Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
The 77 Club

General Data Protection Regulations
Privacy Policy
About this policy
This policy explains when and why we,77 Caravan Club collect personal information about our members and how we use it; keep it secure and club member’s rights in relation to it. This includes probationary members, visitors and guests. We will collect, use and store personal data, as described in this Data Protection Policy when people engage in activities at the club. Normally this will be through some level of membership.
We reserve the right to amend this Data Protection Policy from time to time without prior notice. You are advised to check our Club notice board regularly for any amendments at www.77caravanclub.co.uk. We will only share your personal data with any third parties as outlined below.
We will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing with your personal data. Further details on the GDPR can be found at the website for the Information Commissioner (www.ico.gov.uk).
Responsible person
For the purposes of the GDPR, The Club Membership Secretary will be the “controller” of all personal data we hold about club members and others. The Membership Secretary is responsible for making sure the club complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which applies from 25 May 2018. We will review personal data every year to establish whether we are still entitled to process it or not.
Member’s rights
You have rights under the GDPR:
To access your personal data
To be provided with information about how your personal data is processed
To have your personal data corrected
To have your personal data erased in certain circumstances
To object to or restrict how your personal data is processed in certain circumstances
For more details, please address any questions, comments and requests regarding our data processing practices to the Membership Secretary
Specific use and sharing of personal information
In general your personal data will only be used for the purposes of membership management (renewals etc.) and your email and telephone numbers may be used for communication about news/work at the club/range closure, competition entries/results and other important notices etc. Your personal data will not be passed to anyone else outside the club and your email will only be given to someone outside the club with your permission.
The Lawful reasons for processing your data.
We have three lawful reasons for processing your data, which are:
(a) Processing is necessary for compliance with our legal obligation as a Caravan Club
(b) Processing of your data is necessary for the administration of your membership.
(c) You have given consent to the processing of your data by signing our privacy statement for the specific purposes set out in this policy.
Parents or guardians signing the probationary or full membership form are giving their permission for the data to be used as described elsewhere in this policy.
How we protect your personal data
The Data Controller will process membership information electronically and hold all information on a database on their personal computer. Paper copes of data will be held at the membership Secretaries home and secured in a suitable secured cabinet. If it is necessary to transport data it will be kept secure.
Committee Members may also hold information pertaining to members and this will be in the form of a contact ist and will be used for no other purpose than it was intended under their instruction and necessary information will be made available to coaches and instructors only as required.
In the unlikely event of a breach of the security of data we will notify members promptly and we will never sell or pass on your personal data.
Request to see your personal information
If you wish to know what personal data the club holds please email the Membership Secretary at rebecca.button375@hotmail.com and she will respond within 14 days of the request (depending on availability).
Accuracy and retention of data
Each individual member is responsible for keeping the Membership Secretary informed of changes to their data (e.g. address/telephone number etc. and this is updated at least once a year at renewal and you are at that time authorising the club to hold such data on file.
The data are kept on file at the, Membership Secretary’s home address and in a secure area on the Secretaries computer to enable electronic renewals. The data will normally be kept for up to 3 year’s and renewed as part of the membership process every year, the member has a responsibility to inform the secretary of any changes to their, Home Address, Name, phone number or E mail address. It may be kept for a longer period for reasons of legal and civil action or other ongoing case management. Name, address and length of membership will be kept for up to 30 years for management of historical insurance claims. Names and scores may be kept indefinitely for reason of historical significance – e.g. on trophies, plaques and other awards.
We hope this Privacy Notice has been helpful in setting out the way we handle your personal data and your rights to control it.
If you have any questions that haven’t been covered, please contact your Membership Secretary
Policy was last updated 12/01/2022
The name of the club shall be The 77 Club hereafter called The Club.
The objective of The Club shall be to organise rallies, social events and recreational activities of interest to and for the benefit of members and to encourage goodwill between all caravanners.
The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership or renewal of membership to any person who they consider to be detrimental to the best interest of The Club. Membership is open to those people with a caravan, motor caravan or tent. Every member, upon joining The Club, implicitly undertakes to comply with the Club Constitution and Rally Rules. Any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct that is in the opinion of the committee either unworthy of a member or otherwise injurious to the interest of The Club, shall render a member liable for expulsion.
Membership and Subscription Fees
There shall be a Membership Fee and an Annual Subscription of such sum as shall be decided by the committee. The Annual subscription shall be payable from the 1st February each year. Members joining after 1st August shall pay a reduced subscription to be decided by the committee.
Membership Fees and Subscription cover all members of the payee’s family who normally occupy one unit. All members of the family over 16 years old will have equal voting rights and be eligible to be elected to the committee.
Any member who has not paid their dues by the Day Meet shall cease to be a member of The Club. Lapsed members must rejoin before attending any rally.
The Committee of The Club shall consist of Officers as follows:-
Chairman who shall take the chair at all meetings of The Club/Committee at which he/she is present and instruct the Membership Secretary to call Club/Committee meetings whenever he deems necessary.
Vice Chairman who will take the chair in the absence of the Chairman.
Membership Secretary who shall be responsible for dealing with correspondence appertaining to all club membership matters, including the date, time and place of the A.G.M. and any Special General Meetings, and to notify all committee members of the date, time and place of all committee meetings. To keep the committee informed of all membership details. To collate, with the assistance of of any committee member or members, the points for all children attending rallies.
Booking Secretary who shall be responsible for the booking of all club rally venues, halls and entertainment as required. To book all venues for meetings as directed by the Membership Secretary and to keep the committee informed of all bookings and rally details. To make available a Rally Book for discussion and approval by the committee at the January Meeting each year and subsequently organise the publication together with the Web Master in time for the Day Meet and the start of our Rallying season.
Treasurer who shall keep account of all monies received by and paid out by The Club, which accounts shall be open to members for inspection at all times, and publish a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account which shall be circulated to all members at the A.G.M. The Treasurer shall also keep the committee informed on the state of The Club’s finances when requested. Also responsible for maintaining Exemption Certificates and Insurances as required including ACCEO.
Rally Officer who will be responsible for collecting all site fees and making sure that the rally rules are upheld. The Rally Officer shall be responsible for appointing, with the approval of the committee, a person to replace him at any rally at which he is unable to attend or may not be able to attend.
Catering Officer who shall be responsible for making sure that any necessary catering supplies, including Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns etc., and equipment, are available when required, and that volunteers are found to do the catering.
Sports Officer who shall be responsible for keeping a list of all sports equipment and replacing when necessary once approved, and making sure that any sports equipment is available when requested and for organising sports/games when required.
Web Master who shall be responsible for updating the Web Site on a regular basis, and for assisting to produce and publish the Club Rally Books.
Committee Member who will assist any other committee members as necessary.​
Minutes will be taken at all Committee meetings and can be taken by any committee member who volunteers.
If a vacancy occurs the committee may co-opt a new member to serve for the rest of that year. The committee shall meet as often as the Chairman deems necessary to manage the affairs of The Club and apply the funds to further the aims of The Club. At any committee meeting four members shall form a quorum.
Committee members shall be elected at the A.G.M. and will be required to resign every year. Members can make nominations to challenge any Committee member before any A.G.M. at the latest 6 weeks prior to the A.G.M. Committee members who wish to resign must inform the Chairman in writing at least 6 weeks before the A.G.M. to allow vacancies to be circulated to all members. All nominations to be sent to the Chairman.
General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held during October, November or December of each year, the date and place to be fixed by the committee. The committee may also call a Special General Meeting at their discretion, or at the written request of twelve (12) members of The Club, stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be called.
At general meetings of The Club, all members over the age of 16 shall be eligible to vote. In the event of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. Voting on any motion will be by a show of hands unless a ballot is requested by at least two members.
Payment of Expenses
No member of The Club shall receive any remuneration for his services to The Club, except for any expenses directly incurred and agreed to by the committee.
The Club will not accept any liability for any accident, injury, loss or damage, to persons or property occurring on any rally or event organised by The Club, howsoever caused.
Day Visitors/Guests
There will be no charge for people visiting a rally, unless they take part in the evening entertainment in a hall, when they will be charged a sum of £2 per person. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure their visitors report to the Rally Officer or his representative on arrival and sign the Visitors’ Book. It is also the member’s responsibility to make sure their visitors are fully aware of the Constitution and Rally Rules.
Guests attending as part of the rally and staying overnight will be charged a sum of £2 per person per night (this will include entry to any entertainment).
Any persons, including member’s children, attending a rally with their own unit must be full members.
Winding Up
If The Club is wound up by a decision taken by the majority of members at a meeting called for that purpose, then all equipment belonging to The Club will be sold and the proceeds donated to a charity to be decided by the members attending that meeting.