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77 Caravan Club
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77 Caravan Club
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77 Caravan Club
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The 77 Club

Rally Report – St Ives – Burleigh Hill Farm
8th – 10th September, 2023.
WOW! What a scorcher this rally was!
As we arrived on the Thursday/Friday we knew it would be warm but that was very warm, but hey we should not complain as the summer will all too soon be over.
Burleigh Hill Farm is a great location flat and with plenty of space for all. Also a great space the kids to run around or for Pip our dog to leg it back from being walked straight into Pete and Becky’s awning.
We also had a first this Rally with a picture of the site taken from a hot air balloon that contained Barry and Kath’s family. Not sure if that will ever be beaten.
After a hot and sweaty setup it was over to the gazebo’s kindly set up by Barry, Kath, Bob and Jo for dues to be paid, raffle tickets to be purchased and the quiz and colouring competitions to be collected. The normal tea and coffee’s were replaced with cold beer and cold soft drinks.
We had the opportunity to meet new members David and Stacey with their children Jack and Nicole, a very warm welcome to you from the 77 Club and we all hope that you make some great memories with us.
It was then back to some very warm Caravans and Motorhomes for a well earned nights sleep or trying to sleep.
Saturday started the same as the Friday with bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky, the morning was a relaxed affair with the only main event being the putting up of Club Tent which as always brings the club together in a joint event that consisted of many comments and some ‘left a bit! No Right a bit! and many a laugh.
The kids and some adults found the option to fill up some paddling pools to try and keep cool and this ultimately led to a water fight, it was great to see them all having so much fun.
As the temperature rose so did the anticipation of the afternoon games which were to be Cowboy and Indian in nature! As always Barry surpassed himself with the games he made for us. A Boys v Girls started with the game Corn Hole followed by Archery then onto Rings on a Cactus and finally a shoot out with the main debate being the breed of bird that secured you 50 points, the options ranged from Pigeon, Duck, Turkey or the favourite a Seagull! There were a great selection of Cowboy hats which definitely helped with the sun but not for the aim of the boys as they were convincingly beaten by the girls this time around. I think being truthful the children beat all of us hands down on the games across the board!
After the games it was time for dinner, a quick shower and change; then over to the tent for a Western themed Bingo which saw a ‘Yee Haw’ or two shouted out in place of ‘Bingo’. A Western based quiz, taxed and tested on our knowledge of the wild west as the night drew in. Janine and I were definitely found wanting on that one, this was then followed by a country music section which again was well out of our league but it was as always a great laugh and I am sure that we learnt something new, as they say every day is a school day.
Sunday always comes round too quickly but again we started the day with glorious sunshine and the anticipation of the winners from the weekend.
As you can tell from us writing this, Janine and I were the winners for writing of the rally report (twice a winner so far) but we cannot complain as we also won the raffle, as they say you have to take the rough with the smooth J.
Nicole and Jack both won the children’s challenges and Jack doubled his winnings with also claiming the bonus ball prize!
A big THANK YOU to Barry, Kath, Bob and Jo for making it a great weekend and the committee for finding us a great location which I think that we will be returning to.
Great to see so many faces and we are starting to put some names to them also which is great! See you all in couple of weeks.
Best Wishes
Adrian & Janine.
24th – 28th August Bank holiday report
Clopton Village Hall
Neal, Tegan, Harper, and myself arrived at Clopton Village Hall in the afternoon.
We brought the car with us, so we can get out and about.
There was already a lot of vans and motorhomes here. The girls went of to the park to see their friends. We got straight in to setting up. Once we had finished. It was time for a nice cool beer.
We had dinner and we went over to the hall for a catch up with the others.
We got up and went off to Felixstowe beach. Spent most for the day there. When we got back few more members had arrived. Total number was 13 for the bank holiday weekend.
We had dinner then got ready to go over the hall to pay a dues and catch up with everyone else.
Harper and I went over to the hall for 10 to do Jazzacise with Becky. Some of the ladies was a bit shy and all wanted the back row. Think I can say it was good fun from all of us. Thank you, Becky. The men did their own think. As Neal said, Peace and quiet for a bit.
We went off in the car to Woodbridge for few hours. Had some lunch.
Got back to the village hall and the heavens opened. Thunder and heavy rain. Everyone took cover. We sat in the motor home and played cards.
Evening we went over the hall for Mr Clementine. Who was the evening entertainer. The children enjoyed him and as they were up first to dance. Really had an enjoyable evening.
Went over and play boules with the other members. Good turnout.
Some members had family visiting for the day.
Went back for lunch and got ready for sports day. No, just as 2 o’clock was approaching so was this massive black cloud. Heavens opened yet again. We all took cover.
We got told to go over to the hall as we were doing sports day inside. Wasn’t the first time.
The children had there turn first to do the activities. Then it was the men verses the women.
The first activity, we had to dribble the rugby ball with a hockey stick up to the cone and back. There was a lot of cheating going on and not being done as we were shown by Ian. We had a lot of fun. The final score was the women are the champions. Well done to the children.
We went outside for the children to throw water balloons at Ian and Pete who were in the yeold stocks. They did get very wet. Think it came to be some buckets of water being chucked over them. Good sports guys. Made the children’s day.
That evening over to the hall for Peter and Chris’s quiz. Another enjoyable evening by all.
Over the hall to see who has won the weekend quizzes, bonus ball, raffle, children’s quizzes/colouring. We got to write the rally report as we won that Well done to those that won. Hope to see everyone at the next rally.
Thank you to everyone for a good entertaining weekend.
Thank you.
Neal Tina Tegan & Harper
11th/13th August 2023
Friday.... we’re going to be busy this weekend as we are having the 7 grandchildren and our new family member fat Luey! We got here first so we can get setup before the bulldozers get here. Jesse and Hayley brought the children up at 5.30pm, I didn’t have to cook for them as they had dinner on their way here. There were a few members already here set up and enjoying the sun. The middle of the field was quite wet so Kev parked at the side of the field. Ian had called Kev during the week asking him if he could act as Rally Officer as the committee wasn’t going to be here. Thanks to Becky for calling ACCEO to make sure this was ok, which they were very happy that someone was going to run the weekend, so it’s worth knowing for the future. We had 10 caravans here, the tent didn’t end going up as the ground in the middle of the field was boggy. Members popped over to pay their fees. Thank you Kathy for doing the adult quiz and the children’s decorating the paper plate competitions. I got the children ready for bed while Kev sorted the dogs out.
Saturday ... the sun was shining and the children were soon out playing while I sorted the caravan out. Kev has gone out with our son-in-law dog training for a couple of hours. Before lunch I took the children and dogs for a walk to see the horses, when we got back the children decorated there plates. Dottie was so pleased with her’s as she drew Kathy. A few members had visitors, which was lovely to see them. When Kev got back we had a walk over to the Antique centre to pay the weekend fees and had an ice cream and cake. The children loved looking at the old stuff and couldn’t believe that people would pay lots of money for (their words) junk! We had an early dinner before Dawn and Steve hosted Mr n Mrs. Thank you for hosting this evening, we had lots of laughs! Everyone brought their chairs over to Dawn n Steve’s camper. At 9.30pm I took the children to bed, it’s been a manic day and I’m shattered!
Sunday .... it was dull this morning but the sun soon came out, then the heavens opened up. Thank goodness the sun shone for us at 11am! Thank you Catherine and Ian for driving to the rally to save anyone else taking the tent home. This weekend has gone very quick and it was great fun watching the members enjoying themselves, some buying lots of goodies from the centre. Members started to get away as the dark clouds came over. We were the last caravan to leave, so much was still going on here and it was very busy. Hope everyone got home safe, looking forward to seeing you all soon x
Love Kev Karla the grandchildren Mr Bourne Ronnie n Fat Luey x
Rewshalls Farm, East Mersea
28th - 30th July
We joined the Thursday club this weekend and arrived in the afternoon after a relatively short, easy journey. Five other units were pitched up when we arrived. We set up and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon with a glass of wine. I know we started a tad early, but it was a perfect start to the weekend.
Friday dawned a lovely bright day and Maria, Phil and I walked to the Vineyard Café for a breakfast sandwich. They were delicious with an abundance of filling. We just had to dodge the wasps. More vans arrived during the day, with a total of 18 vans and 1 tent. In the evening we gathered in the tent to pay our dues, and to wish Pete Happy Birthday. Thank you, Becki, for the cakes.
Saturday was another beautiful day, and members went off in separate directions to spend the morning by lunching at the vineyard or taking the children and the “big” children crabbing at West Mersea or going for a walk on the beach in the sunshine. It makes such a difference having the sun out. I walked along West Mersea beach and sat on a bench looking out to sea with the sun shimmering on the sea. I could have been anywhere in the world!
Richard and Phil went fishing and Richard caught four fish – three sea bass and one skate, but unfortunately only one sea bass was big enough to keep. Saturday afternoon saw members relaxing by having a glass of wine (or maybe two😉) for some. Becki and Pete had kindly arranged for an order of fish and chips to be pla(i)ced, and we all gathered in the tent for a fish and chip supper. Very tasty they were too. Afterwards the children had melted marshmallows with chocolate biscuits. I’m sure they enjoyed them. Later we returned to the tent and played a very simple but engaging game called Left, Right, Centre. Up to six – eight people stand around a table, starting with three 20 pence coins. Three di are thrown together by the first person and depending on how they they fall the money is either transferred to the person on the left or right, placed in the centre or retained by the thrower. This continues around the table and the winner is the person left with money and throws a C on the dice. This entitles them to take the pot of money in the middle of the table. Christine and Dawn both won twice. Lucky them.
Sunday morning again dawned bright and sunny, and we all met for coffee to find out the winners of the competitions. I won the arrival prize, hence this report. The children were asked to make and paint a beach hut out of paper. The winners were Spencer and Tiguan who produced very colourful designs on their beach huts. Steve and Dawn won the quiz, and we all learnt that the seaside town of Tenby is known for its 13th century town walls. The bonus ball was won by Teagen.
Thank you to Richard for putting out the direction signs – they certainly helped us to find the site.
The site was just perfect for the club and I am sure Catherine will rebook for another year, after it was unanimously agreed that it was a winner. It has been a good weekend and thank you all for your friendship and company, hopefully we will be out with you again very soon.
We also welcomed a new member – David Gladden and his family. We hope to see them out again very soon.
I would also like to remember Edna who very sadly passed away on 17 July. She has been a member of our club for so many years and I know will be missed by all. RIP Edna.
Sue A
Red House Farm, Haughley
14th - 16th July
Members report from the last 77 rally at red House farm haughley. We ourselves arrived at the campsite on Friday around 15.30 there were quite a few members already there and a couple had been there from Thursday. The club had a turn out of 14 units and the Friday Evening was a bit wet with lots of rain. So we mainly stayed in our own units.Peter Eusden made a weekend quiz which Ian while dodging showers handed out when he collected the rally money.
saturday morning was better and during the day a few of us sat around chatting away together, then early afternoon we played Barry's horse shoe game it wasn't as easy as it looked but it was great fun. Then in the evening Due to the weather conditions of high winds the club members decided not to put the club tent up.so we went for plan B, Ian got out his big air windbreaker and with the borrow of a couple of standard ones from Neil and one more from either John or Louise ( sorry didn't catch who's the other one was from ) we made a big semi circle and sat sheltered from the wind.Pete did a few music bingo games and this was a lot of fun with plenty of over singing from members with some of the answers.
Sunday morning was much better weather wise as there was no rain and we all met up at 11am for prize giving and chit chat before we all headed home. Points to note Elaine's team won the music bingo on a tye breaker question which was how many songs did Elvis record, answer was over 700. Second place went to Kerry's team. The weekend quiz was won by bill and marie.the kids one which was a colouring one had 3 entries and it was decided that all 3 were good and the prize was shared between them. The only date note was for Ian who had had a birthday a few days before ( happy birthday). A thank you to Richard for putting the club signs out for us to follow.a big thanks also to Pete for his quizzes Next rally is at mersea and is on 28 th July till 30th July rally fee is £20 and hosts will be Pete and Becky. The address is rewsalls farm pittock engineering east mersea co5 8sx. You can arrive on the Thursday for those that are interested in going early. Please speak to Catherine Chittick.
A big thanks to all that attended as you all made our weekend and even though the weather wasn't great Kerry and myself had a good time. Thank you
West Bowers Farm, Little Baddow
30th June - 2nd July
We arrived on Friday evening, last out of the 9 units in attendance for this rally. We were helped massively by Kathy’s directions and Richard’s strategically placed 77 signs. With the help of a few other members we were soon setup and ready to pay our dues and enter the raffle and bonus ball. A quick catch-up with everyone prior to the heavens opening, bringing our evening to a close.
With no hosts this weekend we were able to do as much or as little as we liked on Saturday, another early shower meant we had a chance to look at the weekend Who am I? Quiz composed by Kathy and Richard although probably mostly Kathy. Others managed to find a garden centre and/or explore long walks around the surrounding areas. After lunch, we decided to have walk to Paper Mill Lock, with the promise of a cream tea or piece of cake as a reward for the walk. Becky, Spencer and myself were joined by, Peter, John and Joan and Louisa. We set off in the rough direction and before long we had found the river, which Red was very excited to swim in. An elongated 25 minutes later we arrived at Paper Mill Lock and ordered our treats, myself, John, Joan and Louisa had a cream tea, Becky and Peter opted for lemon cake and Spencer had a second lunch. Don’t know who that boy takes after!. Everyone enjoyed our treats and left enough room for an ice-cream to have on the walk back. Even Red enjoyed a pot of doggy ice-cream! Back at our caravan we had some dinner and got ready for Peter’s Saturday night quiz which included various rounds including celebrity characteurs and a very challenging country picture quiz!
Sunday coffee morning with prizes for the lucky winners, congratulations to all. Becky and myself would like to thank everyone for their company on this rally and thanks to Richard and Kathy for their weekend quiz and children’s activity and for peter for the Saturday night quiz. Looking forward to seeing you all at the next rally.
16th - 18th June 2023
Thursday .... we came today to get sorted for this weekends Fishing Rally, it only took us 1hour and 20mins to get here. Derek and Brian were fishing and Brian caught a beautiful fish. We soon set up and Kev done a bit of fishing, then went out to get our dinner and we sat outside until it got dark.
Friday ... what a blazing morning, it’s so HOT!! We ate our breakfast outside then Kev set up his rod and was catching fish one after the other while I was topping up my tan. Lots more caravans and motorhomes came this afternoon, 14 altogether. Our Jesse brought the children up to stay for the weekend. The sun was still so nice and hot so we ate outside again. Sorry to hear some members had a horrible journey here as there was a BIG accident on the M11. 8.30 pm we all sat outside Clive and Chris’s van to pay our fees and Kev sorted out who was fishing in the morning.
Saturday ... another beautiful morning! The fishing is 8am until 2pm, there’s 10 fishing in the comp. Not much was being caught easily on but more and more was being caught as the morning went on. I made some bacon and sausage sandwich’s for breakfast for some members. Those that didn’t want to fish had a drive out and some just sat under the shade having wine and nibbles. 2pm came round and Kev blew the whistle. Thanks to Julie, Ian and Pete for helping Kev do the weighing in. Lots of fish was caught, Kev being the winner with 32lb, Ian second with 10lb and Steve third with 8.5lb. I’m sure everyone enjoyed their fishing apart from Pete and Derek that didn’t catch anything! Joe was very pleased that 3 tiny tiny weeny little fish got through the holes in his net and couldn’t get out again 😂😂 The children and Christine had a little fish after the comp and they all caught nice BIG fish! 5pm everyone started to cook as most members now have gas’s BBQ we couldn’t cook together. We set out our tables to eat together which was really lovely. We started the evening a little earlier around where we had dinner so no one had to move far, as the weather is so beautiful it was decided not to have the tent up this weekend. Kev was speaking to another 3 caravaners by the entrance of the site and invited them down to join up for Bingo, Fish the Ducks and Pancakes. Gracie and Dottie went round and sold the bingo tickets. We had old style bingo (that belonged to Ken Martinelli) with the balls that you took out the bag. While Julie and I cooked the pancakes the adults had a go at catching the ducks it’s not as easy as it looks! We then sat around chatting and listening to music and the evening soon came to a end. Everyone went back to their caravans and Kev took our boys out for their last wee. I was in bed when there was a knock on our door, it was Chris R asking for help, Clive had gone to empty their toilet (it was so dark and he didn’t have a torch) and had fallen over. Kev ran down there to help get him up and he had the shock of his life, seeing Clive laying down with his foot hanging off. Chris stayed with Clive while Kev went to get Ian and got Catherine to call 999 (they said it could be up to 4 hours). Thanks to everyone that helped with blankets, pillows and umbrellas to keep him dry, as it started to spit with rain. Kev said to Catherine to ring them back as Clive was getting agitated and it’s not just a broken ankle. They came within 10 mins. The crew were amazing, as soon as they looked at Clive’s foot they called the air ambulance Dr. He is now in the safe hands of Addenbrooks Hospital and had his first of many operations. I know everyone will keep him and Chris in there thoughts and prayers. We finally got into bed at 2am but couldn’t sleep. Thanks to Dawn for sitting in with the children and reassuring them everything was ok.
Sunday ... another beautiful morning. Chris got a taxi back from the hospital to the camp, she hadn’t had any sleep and said the surgeon was going to operate on Clive this morning. Let’s pray that it is a success! Kev had a chat with Tom to see if Chris can leave their caravan here until next Saturday and then he will drive up to take it back to their house. We had coffee morning and prize giving . It’s been a very enjoyable weekend (apart from Clive’s accident) members didn’t rush off as they’re making the most of this amazing weather. Once we packed up Kev and Ian took Chris’s caravan up the top field and I drove Clive’s car home to their house (it’s made me want a new car even more now!). It was lovely seeing Joe and Julie this weekend it’s been far too long and it was lovely having a catch up. Thanks Julie for your help with the pancakes and thanks to everyone for coming to the rally, hope you all got home safe looking forward to seeing everyone soon x
Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie n Monty Ronnie n Mr Bourne xx
PS please keep Clive n Christine in your thought and prayers xx
77 club Spring Bank Holiday
26th May / 3rd June 2023
>> Friday .... Kev’s got today off so we are going early this morning. The sun is shining and hopefully this will be it for our week! The journey was very good, no hold ups. We were welcomed by the wardens at the main entrance and told to follow the road round to be met again by Catherine and Ian. It’s beautiful here and the pitches are massive. I wanted to bring our big awning this week as we haven’t used it since 2019, it’s been so long Kev forgot how to put it up! Thanks to Roland for your help. We were soon set up, had lunch and sat out in the sun. A couple more caravans turned up (some members are coming for the weekend only). Thanks to everyone that helped put the tent up. Kev brought the pool table up that Clive gave us last year. After dinner a few of us went over the tent. Thanks to Adrian for his knowledge about chickens, it was so interesting to learn so much more about them. I certainly learnt a lot! We also had a little visitor come in the tent to see us tonight, a cat, his name is Windsor and so friendly. He curled up on Janine’s lap. Kev was very impressed seeing her stroke a pussy 😜😜 He stayed around all evening then slept in Catherine’s awning and even got onto Janine and Adrian caravan and laid on their bed. 10pm was laugh in a bag time. As it started to get cold we went back to our caravan, the heating went on and it wasn’t long before we were sound asleep.
>> Saturday ... another beautiful sunny morning. After breakfast we went out for a drive to Weeley boot sale, we got a few things there. Then had a look at the caravan store, wasn’t nothing that took our fancy so back to came for lunch. It’s so hot as we are sitting in a sun trap. We had a walk around the fishing lake, Kev spoke with the warden about where to fish and he said there’s plenty of swims but to walk around the lake is just over 8 miles, Kev won’t be doing that walk! Lots more caravan members came this afternoon, 21 all together. We ate outside tonight as the sun still out. 8pm it was over to the tent. Barry has made another brilliant buzzer game. We sure needed a steady hand! Lots of our members were getting very frustrated (see photos) and lots of laughs were had. 10pm we went back to our lovely warm caravan, snuggled down to watch a film and both fell asleep before it had finished.
>> Sunday ... Another beautiful sunny morning. We had our breakfast outside as it’s so beautiful. Kev and Ian went and done some fishing. I went to have a shower and they were so nice and clean. Got back to the caravan done my hair, tided up, then sat outside our van watching the world go by in the sun. Later in the day, I had a walk over to the lake to see Kev n Ian, they hadn’t caught anything yet. Some members had gone out for a drive to Felixstowe, others just sat outside getting some sun rays, while Barry and Kathy had a bike ride around the camp lake. Poor Kathy fell off her bike, thankfully she is ok! It’s 8 miles around the fishing lake. 1.30pm Kev and I were booked to go and have Sunday lunch at the pub down the road. Kev invited our new members Janine and Adrian to join us. It was lovely sitting outside eating our dinner listening to the two singers. After dinner Kev was going fishing again but instead started to snore so I left him sleeping. The children were playing with their new toys in the middle of our caravans, it’s so lovely hearing them all laughing. We had cheese n biscuits for tea then went over to the tent. The wind had started to get up. Chris R had brought over some games for us to play and everyone sat round chatting. 10pm some went back to there caravans, the wind had really got up. Let’s hope it stops by the morning.
>> Monday ... The wind is still here and no sun this morning. 3 of our members are packing up to go home this morning. Thank you for sharing the weekend with us and have a safe journey home. We welcome Kathy and Richard today. Some members are going banger racing today and some went to Felixstowe. We had a drive out and also ended up in Felixstowe and had a lovely lunch and watched the world go by. The sun has come back out and thankfully the wind has stopped. Kev contacted a young lad that was selling a winch bar near where we are camping so called him to see if he can buy it and ended up buying other bits from him as well. We ate inside tonight as it was to windy outside. 8pm over to the tent. Not everyone came over tonight as the wind was high. Some members played higher or lower, others played pool. Well done to Charlie for beating the adults! Charlie also tried so hard at doing Barry’s Electric Buzzer toy. We sat around chatting about our childhood, it was lovely listening to Brian’s younger days and what he use to get up to trying to earn money by washing cars, and the freedom we use to have. The evening came round quickly so off to bed.
>> Tuesday ...Another windy day. Kev and Ian drove to the lake this morning to find their swim but didn’t set up as the water was so choppy so decided to go back later. We had a lazy morning. Lily, Emilie, Spencer and Charlie has set up a shop in the tent and came round to our caravans to let us know that they’re selling things to raise money for their ice creams. I gave them some sweets and chocolate wafers to sell. We spent over £8 and they ended up raising over £20 this morning! A few of us had a drive to Shotley, there wasn’t much there and it was so windy so we went into a pub for some lunch. Don’t think the sun is going to come out today. Got back to camp and no one was sitting outside as the wind was strong although still warm. After dinner we went over to the tent for one of Chris quiz nights. We done well on a few of the questions. There was lots of laughs, mainly Louisa not understanding the questions. As 10pm came we will have to finish the quiz tomorrow night. We are going to the Suffolk Show tomorrow so we had an early night.
>> Wednesday ...it rained through the night , but had stopped by the time we woke up. I set my alarm for 7am as we are going to the SUFFOLK SHOW today with lots of our members. The roads are very busy all lining up to get in, there’s going to be over 90,000 people walking through their gates. We had breakfast there which was bloody horrible! Bacon was burnt and the roll was stale. We haven’t been here before so was very happy, there’s so much to see and do (see photos). We met up with a friend of my brothers that breeds Labrador’s (we got our Beau from her), she was working here today and tomorrow with the SUFFOLK GUN DOGS. It was brilliant watching her and her team. The little Shetland pony’s were brilliant too. We bumped into some of our members walking around. Our feet are stating to hurt now so we started to make our way back to our car. On the way home we had dinner in the Harvester. We got back to camp 6.30pm and we were shattered. I fell a sleep. Kev popped over to the tent, not many went over as they were all shattered too! Lots of us are going to JIMMYS FARM tomorrow, thanks to Catherine for getting a group discount! The weather has been ok just wish that wind would stop!
>> Thursday ... Another windy morning. Lots of us are going to visit JIMMYS FARM this morning. Thanks to Catherine for getting us a good deal saving us all money. We got in our car’s at 10.30am and drove off in true 77 club style with Ian taking the lead. We haven’t been here before, it was lovely (see photos), I’ll defiantly come back with our family again well worth a visit! My favourite thing was watching the sheep shearing. The sun came out this afternoon when we got back to camp so we sat outside to sunbathe. 5pm everyone took their table and chairs over the tent to set up for our fish n chip dinner. Thanks again Catherine for organising this. We had it delivered. Everyone said how lovely therir’s were and well worth it. 7pm we popped back to our caravan I had a lay down while Kev took the dogs out for another run. 8pm was back over to the tent for more of Chris quiz. Thanks to Brian and June for being on our team tonight we did have a laugh. All the children played outside with their bikes and swing ball, and had a game of football in the next field. The wind got up again tonight and turned so cold. Although our caravan was so hot I opened up the window when I got back to cool it down. It’s our last day tomorrow, the week has gone so quick! We’ve had a fantastic week, it’s done us so good to relax and not do much.
>> Friday ...Another windy morning. Once the wind dies down it’s lovely and warm. Kev took the dogs out for a run while I cooked breakfast. June and Brian went home this morning hope they got home safe and pray Mia is ok and e better. We had a drive out and ended up in Manningtree. We saw Barry, Kathy, Bob n Jo walking along the road.3e stopped off at the Kings Head to book for dinner tonight. Kev took our awning down this afternoon (in case it rains ), so did a few others. 4pm we gathered over to the tent to take it down. Thanks to those that helped!
>> Some members are going out to the local pub for dinner at 5pm, Kev booked us in for 6.30pm. We got there earlier and our table was ready. We both had steak and kidney pudding with mash and veg, it was so nice. Kev had dessert NY Cheesecake for dessert. I drove Kev’s tank back and didn’t like it so won’t be driving it much! He only went and left his hat at the pub!! Thank you Ian for taking him back to get it as I didn’t want to drive his truck back again. We were invited into Catherine and Ian’s awing tonight with others for drinks and had a good old chat. 10pm we went back into our caravan.
>> Saturday ... we didn’t rush this morning. We had breakfast and then packed a few more bits away at our leisure. A few members came to say their goodbyes. Chris and Clive are staying until tomorrow, lucky yous! Ee we’re ready to leave at 12. We had a good journey home, not any traffic. We hope everyone gets home safe. Thank you all for your company and a BIG THANK YOU to Catherine and Ian, you certainly have done yourself proud in organising your first club holiday! Also thanks to Chris R for organising another evening Quiz throughout the week, although we came last I did answer lots of your questions so was very pleased with myself. Looking forward to seeing you at the fishing rally x
>> Love Kevin Karla Mr Bourne n Ronnie xx
>> Ps hope everyone has a safe journey home xx
Fowlmere Village Hall
12th / 14th May 2023
We arrived on the Friday evening and were met by the smiling face of Clive who gave the low down on getting into the site, Pete, Becky, Spencer and Red were just in front of us.
It was great to see a good few vans and motorhomes from the club that had made the journey to Fowlmere and great to see some further smiling faces as we found some where to pitch up.
It was then our normal dash to get the awning up and the gas on so we can have a cup of coffee (as everything works better with coffee!), once this was done we headed across to the village hall so we could say hello to all and pay our due’s and collect the Club Quiz which was ‘King’ themed this time. I love these quizzes as they show me how little I know but are always great fun!
Another cup of coffee (bonus!) and a biscuit to help. As Janine and I have found as we have only been members for a short time, everyone is so friendly and keen to say hello.
After a good chat and catch up it was off to bed to a well earned snooze!
Unfortunately the weather or more specifically the sun was not playing ball this weekend but that never stops the fun and with the help of many from the club we put on an afternoon tea on Saturday with all the trimmings (sandwiches, cakes and scones with jam and cream!). In true caravanning spirit we all decorated our tables with various Coronation table cloths, bunting, hats, crowns and and decorated ourselves with coats and gloves as the wind decided to make a special appearance but this did not dampen the spirits and a great time was had by all.
It was also great to meet and see Edna at the afternoon tea.
Thank you to everyone that made the afternoon what it was. His HRH King Charles III would have be proud, if a little chilly!
We then prepared ourselves for an evening of Eurovision! Which I will admit went from the sublime to the surreal with the acts. A ‘sweep stake’ on the potential winning country had some cries of excitement when the act performed to cries of tears for others but it was good fun and congratulations to Becky for picking Sweden as the eventual winners of Eurovision.
Sunday arrived all too quickly and it was over to the hall for cuppa and cake and to find out the results of the quiz and more importantly who had won the Crown Decorating kids competition.
There was the usual ‘of course!’ when Becky gave us the answers to the quiz but congratulations to Elaine who won and a big congratulations to Lily for winning the crown competition.
Ian also gave us the answers to the Eurovision quiz, which I must admit we did not have a clue about but again great fun.
This is also where we learned that being last to arrive and unlucky 13 gets you picked from the bag to do the Rally Report but hey another cup of coffee and some chocolate and it is not so bad.
Well, I think that ends our first ever Rally Report for the 77 Caravan Club and we hope you enjoyed the weekend as much as we did and are looking forward to the next one at Alton Water. Thank you again to all the people who make the effort to keep us all entertained over the weekends.
Best Wishes
Adrian & Janine.
28th April /1st May 2023
Neal went ahead in the Motorhome. I went in the car as I went to collect Tegan and Harper from school.
We arrived at Crow field. There was a lot already there and Neal was already set up so me and the girls could relax.
Tegan cooked our dinner that evening. It was very nice. All the children were playing on the park.
Went over to the hall for 8.30 to pay for the weekend and caught up with some of the other members. It was nice to see so many vans out again for this rally. Becky had a good emoji quiz for the adults and matchbox challenge for the children. They had to collect as many items in a matchbox to win
We all met over near the hall for a nice walk to the church and around the village.
Neal went off to his eldest sons stag do at Newmarket. He was gone for the rest of the day. Which meant we were free.
The girls went and played on the park with the other children. I went and played boules with the adults. Not sure who won. I do understand it will be a regular thing. Nice to see it back.
Saturday evening over for Ian’s games. It was so funny. We was like big children playing with something that didn’t cost a lot. Balloons and paper cups. Who would think it. What a good evening of entertainment. Thanks Ian. Even the little kids had fun. They was so good.
Sunday we did may pole dancing. It’s nice to teach the younger generation what we all did back in our days. Nice to see it still going. Well done to those that joined in.
We went out for Sunday lunch. Which was very enjoyable. Then the girls went to the park while we played cards
Sunday evening over the hall for jacket pot and various toppings. Thank you for those that made them. We really did enjoy. Then we played bingo with a twist. Well done to those that won. Christine was calling the numbers. some of the children wanted to help her. They was very good. Next generation for bingo.
Barry also brought his famous game that we all like and a new game with a long tail. You tie it around your waist. The tail dangles down the back off your legs you hook a piece of wood. run to the end and drop it. It did look funny for those that was watching and well done for those that took part. Thank you Barry and Kathy for some great games.
Monday time to pack up and venture over to the hall for results of the games and quizzes. Well done to Ian and Catherine for winning the quiz. We got to write the rally report. Well Tina. Thanks Tegan for picking our number. Abby. Harper and Aubrey for winning the matchbox challenge. We cleaned and tidied the hall and said our goodbyes and headed home. Till next time.
Tina Neal Tegan & Harper
Friday ... a slow journey to our weekend away. We only have 5 grandchildren this weekend. We got here to see 13 caravans here already. It didn’t take long to set up, have dinner, then over the hall to pay our fees. It’s always lovely to have a catch up with our friends. Ian gave an announcement that Eileen Hurly had past away, we send our condolences to Jim and his family. Gracie and I went back to our caravan to make the beds. The children were so hypo as Kev had been telling them silly stories, they couldn’t stop laughing. It’s going to be hard to get them to sleep!! In the end I told Poppa off.
Saturday ...the children were up early, had their breakfast and were in the park with the other children. 11am some members went out for a country walk. As Kev’s knees were playing up we didn’t go so had a drive to Stonham Barns. The children loved it. There was a dog show, owl sanctuary, a fun fair, which they loved. We had our lunch there and got back to camp for the Boules tournament. The weather is so beautiful. We had an early dinner before going over to the hall for Ian’s Games Night. Well what can I say about Ian’s balls, balloons and cups, I didn’t know we could have so much fun with them!! They were brilliant, so much laughter had by all. We finished the evening chatting before bed time and more of Kev’s stupid stories!
Sunday .... another beautiful morning. We certainly have been lucky with our weather. Another hectic breakfast. Kev popped out to the Bootsale, the children went over the park while I tided the van. 11 am Peter started the music ready for our 77 club May Pole Dancing. Although there were a few mistakes, it was great fun. Well done to everyone that joined in! Then we went back to our caravan as I was making a Sunday Roast. We had dinner early as we are going over the hall earlier this evening for Jacket Potatoes with lots of yummy fillings and Bingo. Thank you to all the ladies that cooked for us, the chilli was amazing (thanks Sue!), the home made Coleslaw was to die for (thanks Maria!). By the looks of the empty plates everyone enjoyed it!! Christine, and her little helpers, started the Bingo. Well done to all the winners, Kev was very happy winning the last game (£20!!). Once bingo had finished we had Barry and Kathy’s games. Once again so many laughs!! The children love Barry’s Roll the Disc game and we had a new game, I don’t know what to call it??!! But watching our members thrusting there hips certainly made us laugh! Thank you both so much for helping out tonight. The evening came to an end far to quickly. we then went back to our caravan and the children were soon a sleep until Nellie woke up with a ear ache (hopefully she didn’t wake our neighbours up).
Monday ...another beautiful morning. I promised the children a cooked breakfast today so I got up earlier. The children went over to the park while I tided up. 11am we all met over the hall for coffee and prize giving, well done to everyone that won! Kev was pleased again for Monty pulling out his raffle ticket. I cut Lily’s hair before going back to start packing up our caravan. It really has been a fantastic weekend and i’m sure I can speak for everyone to say a massive thank you to Ian, Catherine, Becky, Pete and helpers for making our weekend so much fun. It would be so nice if any of our members can come forward to host a weekend, it really doesn’t have to be much. As I said earlier who thought we would have such a laugh with Ian’s Balls and Balloons and Kathy’s hip thrusting game. We said our goodbyes and we hope everyone got home safe. Our caravan is going in to be fixed tomorrow so hopefully we will see you all next Rally xx
Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Monty Winnie xx
6th - 10th APRIL 2023
We arrived at the rally just as the walk was about to start, we had our 2 grandchildren with us so they went on the walk while we set up. Thank you Catherine for taking them. When the walkers came back we all met over the the hall for tea/coffee and hot cross buns. It was nice to see such a good turn out.
2pm We went over to the hall for Easter nest making. Thank you Becky and Catherine the children enjoyed these!
8pm Over to the hall for Becky's quiz night. While we were racking our brains for the answers, the children were sitting on another table colouring.
We woke up to a quite pleasant day, some people took themselves off to Watton, or caravan shops, we sat chatting while the children played on the park.
8pm came and we went over to the hall for horse racing with our 20p's, even some of the children enjoyed that. The children made paper aeroplanes to see whose would fly the furthest. Well done Dottie for winning!
It was over to the hall for the Easter Egg hunt and Easter Bonnets, and there were some good ones. Well done to everyone who made an effort to make one.
The weather was quite pleasant so we got our chairs and sat outside. We even had an ice cream van come, so of course we all had one.
At 7:30pm Becky and Catherine were over the hall entertaining the children for an hour. The had a dice game and dancing. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you Becky and Catherine.
We then had Roll The Bottle where 10p's were rolled to see who got closest to win the bottle of Vodka (i think!). Well done bob for winning!
The evening entertainment arrived, which was a change from the original booking as he was taken poorly. Well done to Catherine for sorting at such short notice, I know it wasn't easy but I don't think anybody was disappointed with Jack Clarke Jazzman. I personally thought he was brilliant.
All too soon another night and another 77 Club rally was coming to an end.
We all gathered over the hall for Coffee/Tea and prize giving. Congratulations to all our winners. Thank you to everyone who helped with the weekend entertainment, making drinks and for everyone who came and joined in the weekend.
Hope to see you all at Crowfield.
Dave & Chris Wesbroom
6th - 10th APRIL 2023
Thursday .... the girls brought some of the grandchildren round this afternoon ready for our weekend away. Although we are taking the 7 grandchildren, Ella is bringing Winnie n Nellie up tomorrow as we can’t get them all in our car. It was a slow drive here, taking 3 hours! That was with 2 wee stops. Lots of caravans already here (20 in total). Clive met us at the front of the field to say where to go as some members got stuck driving on and needed the local farmer to pull them out. The field is like a sponge. Thanks to Ian again for helping Kev put on our sheet on the roof (we are still waiting to have it fixed). Once we sorted out the caravan kev popped out to get our dinner while I got the children sorted. By the time he got back we were going over to the hall for 8.30pm, so we ate our dinner over there. It was lovely seeing our friends for a good catch up. There’s so much going on this weekend it’s going to be fun! The children were so excited to get into bed.
Friday.... well I must say the children went off to sleep very quick and slept in longer than we thought. Ella and James got to us at 9.30am. Winnie n Nellie ran straight over the park to see the other children. 10.30am we all met outside the hall ready for our traditional 77 club Good Friday walk, (thanks to Catherine it wasn’t to long!). It was such nice weather and a enjoyable walk. Nellie ended up on Kev’s shoulders as her little legs aren’t use to walking that far. After the walk we went back to the hall for Hot Cross Buns and a cuppa tea/coffee. 2pm all the children went back over the hall for Easter egg nests making, they all loved it. Dottie said thank you so much Catherine for buying her Dairy free chocolate so she could join in! I really think the children are going to get sugar rush this weekend! 8pm over to the hall for Becky's quiz night, well done it was great evening. The children had their own table for colouring. Tonight brought back many memories for us. Joanie was the first to full asleep so we laid her down on two chairs, then Dottie, then Winnie. Kev popped back to our caravan to make up the bed. We sat with new members Janine and Adrian (Becky n Pete’s friends ), sorry I wasn’t much help. A fun evening came to a end, thanks to Becky and Pete you done a grand job. Back to our lovely caravan, it wasn’t long before the children were fast asleep.
Saturday ... we had a few bed hoppers through the night, even I didn’t end up in the bed I started off in! The weather has been fantastic so far let’s hope today is good as we are going on a bus ride after breakfast. While I tided up the children had more fun in the park. Once we were ready we set off to find the bus stop just down the road. We waited and waited and waited nearly a hour for the bus, so to keep the children entertained we all took it in turns to sing a song. We were so excited as we don’t go on buses, i think the village thought we were mad! It’s been years since we been on a bus, the driver drove so fast we felt as though we were on a race track but the children loved it and were laughing their heads off. The bus took us to Wottan and we had a little walk up and down the shops. People kept staring at us, I don’t think they have big families around here lol! We went into an old fashioned sweet shop, the lady was so nice and cheerful letting the children have a good look around and choosing their sweets. We had to wait another 40 minutes for the bus to take us back home, we got back around 3pm. It’s been a fantastic day the children were buzzing. While I cooked dinner the children were back over the park. Our battery was very flat so Kev put our genny on for a hour to help. It was over the hall for 8pm for tonight’s entertainment, 77 Club Horse Racing on the screen. Lots of 20p’s were needed. What a fun evening, our grandchildren loved it. Gracie said “Nan I’m not gambling, we shouldn’t gamble!!!” Well she soon changed her mind when she started to win and ended up £3.20 up, she came away buzzing. There were lots of happy members collecting there winnings. The children had to make a paper aeroplane and the one that went the furthest won, which was Dottie! Thank you Ian and helpers for another great evening, looking forward to tomorrow for more fun!
Sunday ....we had a very hectic morning. The grandchildren loved the Easter Egg hunt around our caravan. Nellie n Joanie didn’t quite know what to do! Monty went crazy and found 9 eggs. It was chocolate eggs for breakfast! Then they got dressed and rushed over to the hall for another Easter Egg hunt and the 77 Club Easter Bonnet competition. A massive well done to everyone that made a great effort with their hats. Thank you to Diane and helpers for tea and coffee and I donated a fruit cake. When we got back to our caravan we decorated it for Easter, the children loved doing this. Winnie said “Nan this is just like Halloween!!!” 😂😂(decorating our caravan) Our children then done some painting, plaster bunnies, rabbits and Easter eggs that Aunty Ella brought them. Then the children went back over the park while I tided up our very messy caravan!! I started to cook our roast dinner, we had it early as the children didn’t have their proper breakfast. Tonight we are over the hall at 8pm for 60/70 dancing the night away. Our evening started with lots of fun games for the children (thanks to Pete for taking our grandchildren over the hall while we got ready), and thank you Catherine and Becky the children loved it. Especially enjoyed the sweets that they all won! Winnie was happy winning stick the sticker tail on the bunny. We were meant to have an ELVIS Tribute entertainment tonight but sadly he was taken very poorly, hope he was ok. A massive thank you to Catherine and Ian for getting a new singer at the last minute! He certainly didn’t disappoint us and we were up dancing the night away. Well done to those that dressed up you all looked amazing. In the interval Dave and Catherine got a bottle of Vodka and we had to roll a 10p’s towards it. Well done to Bob for winning it! We were soon singing and dancing again and then the evening came to a end, far to soon!! We got back to our van and the children was so excited and hyped up that they couldn’t sleep, so Poppa told them a story he made up about them, which they were all laughing at. I do hope June and Brian wasn’t kept awake.
Monday ... it never stopped raining all though the night, I didn’t sleep very well. I’m glad the children did! 9.30am we had a knock on the door and it was Ella and James come to pick their girls up. While I stripped the beds off, Kev done their breakfast. It’s still raining heavy as we went over to the hall for coffee/teas and prizes. Our grandchildren were very pleased to have won a few prizes. Thanks to those that helped tidy the hall, it’s much appreciated. As the rain was still heavy no one hung around and wanted to get off the boggy field. I don’t think no one got stuck. We put the children in the car while we took the awning down and the roof cover off, thanks to those that offered to stay and help us get sorted it was so kind of you, but we were ok doing it ourselves, although we got absolutely soaked 😂😂😂We were the last to leave and thankfully got off the field with no problem. The children were so happy and loved everything about the weekend. They didn’t full asleep until a couple of hours driving. It took us 4 hours to get home as there were a couple of accidents. We hope everyone got home safe. Thank you all for your company and hope to see you out next Rally x
Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Arnie Winnie Monty Nellie Joanie
Ps The children wanted me to say thank you all for their Easter Eggs and Dottie said she loves our new chairman as he is so funny and made her laugh and thank you for not leaving her out and for buying her special chocolate.
24th/26th March 2023
We arrived approximately 11:30am to find 3 caravans already there. Thank you to Diane and Roland for a much-welcomed cup of tea. Shortly into setting up we couldn’t get the water pump to work, but rescue was at hand when Ian and Roland came and helped Ron take the pump off, then they managed to release the jammed sensor. Cheers boys saved us the expense of a new one! As the afternoon progressed other members were turning up {10 units in all} so did the clouds then rain along with gusts of wind. Kevin and Karla surprisingly came as their caravan hasn’t been repaired yet. But they covered the roof to stop the rain entering. Also, it was lovely to see Maria and Phil back out rallying with us again. As the bad weather progressed it was decided not to put the large tent up until Saturday morning and pay our rally fees then. So, after our evening meal some of us just paired up with a neighbor for a catch-up.
After a noisy night with the heavy rain, we woke to better weather, thankfully. Soon we were all gathered together to put the large tent up, but a little TLC was needed as the entry door zips are starting to show their age, so careful handling will be needed from now on. It wasn’t long before the lighting was fitted and Dave and Chris were ready to take our rally fees and sell raffle tickets. Some members stayed for a while catching up, others went off various places. Kathy Richard and ourselves took a trip to Homestead Caravans as there were a couple of bits we needed. The cafe was open so of course we went in and all enjoyed a delicious all-day breakfast. When we arrived back at the caravans we went in Kathy and Richard’s lovely new motor home and made ourselves comfortable. Soon it was time to get ready to gather in the tent, where we enjoyed a lovely chat with everyone and thanks to Chris Wesbroom for her “who said that” catch-phrase quiz. Some of us that feel the cold easy had blankets wrapped round our legs plus thanks to Kevin and John for lighting their little gas heaters which helped. 11o’clock soon approached us so it was good night to all and back to our lovely warm heated caravans where we soon snuggled down [after changing the time on the clocks] wasn’t looking forward to losing an hour’s sleep, especially after the night before!
Woke from a slightly better night's sleep. The rain wasn’t as hard as the night before. We received several messages and cards wishing us a Happy Anniversary [46yrs] Again it was soon time to gather for coffee morning and prize awards. Well, we were the lucky one to receive the arrival prize, also thanks to Kathy, Richard, Maria and Phil for giving us a couple of answers we actually won the weekend quiz {It Takes Three} thanks Ian I liked that one! Joan and John won the raffle, and I think Chris Wesbroom won the bonus ball - Well done! It was soon time to say goodbye but not before all hands taking the tent down, which was still damp - sorry Ian, hope you managed to get it dried. We were the last to leave site and after putting the caravan back into storage we stopped off for an anniversary meal. Hope everyone had a good journey home. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Easter rally in Norfolk. Enjoy the lighter evenings take care.
Doreen and Ron XX
Friday ... we wasn’t sure if we could make the first rally as we are still waiting for our roof to be repaired and it hadn’t stopped raining all day. Kev came home from work, he wasn’t to keen on taking the canopy off as it was so windy, I had got the caravan ready apart from my clothes, and we have been looking forward to seeing everyone, so we hooked up. The road was very busy and it started to rain but not much. Ian met us at the entrance and gave us a few pitches to choose from, there were 10 caravans altogether so that was great for a first rally. We decided to go over the other side as the canopy makes such a noise with the wind blowing. Kev then went out with Ian to get our dinner, it’s very windy I don’t think we will get much sleep tonight.
Saturday ... had a dreadful night sleep the canopy flapped so much! Once the wind had stopped the members put the tent up, we paid our dues and had a little chat. We had a drive out to Alton Water, where we’re going for the holiday, it’s lovely. Although it’s not open yet the warden let us drive in to have a look around. We watched the water sports for a bit and had a hot chocolate. On the way back to camp we stopped off at the Wooden Fender pub to book for tonight’s dinner. Some members were out and others were sitting in the tent. I got a call from James, he was visiting his dad with Winnie n Nellie so popped in to see us for an hour but the girls didn’t want to go home! Our meal was fantastic, highly recommend going there. We got back to our caravan and Kev had a sleep before going over to the tent. Thank you to Christine for tonight’s Catch Phrase entertainment, even I got lots right. After that we ended up talking about old rallies and what we can do for the future rallies. 11pm soon came so it was back to our lovely warm caravans.
Sunday... had a great sleep as the wind had dropped and the roof canopy didn’t keep us awake. The clocks went forward last night so we lost a hour but I’m looking forward to the lighter nights. Over to the tent for coffee n prize giving. Doreen n Ron won the arrival prize and the weekend quiz and Joan and John won the bonus ball. Ian done a great first rally as chairman and Dave done a great job of rally officer. This has been a wet but great first rally, here’s to many more this year! No one rushed off but the wind has got up again so the tent and our canopy will dry before we put them away. Looking forward to seeing everyone at our Easter Rally for lots more fun. Hope everyone got home safe.
Love Kev n Karla Mr Bourne n Ronnie x
New Year's Eve Rally- Venture Centre 2000, Lawford
29th December - 1st January 2024
FRIDAY- We arrived on the Friday and not far behind us came mum and dad. A total of 6 units turned up on Friday. At 7:30 we decided to go over to the hall early and everyone had a catch up and paid their dues. At 10:30 I decided to take the children back to the caravan while Ian stayed with the others to finish off their drinks.
SATURDAY- After a very wet and windy night Saturday started off a bit brighter, however continued to rain on and off most of the day. Another 4 units turned up today making the total of units 10. A chilled day was had playing games in the caravan and when we wasn’t raining the children were playing outside on their skateboards and scooters. It was lovely to see Natalie with her little baby bump! We all decided to get fish and chips for dinner, which was picked up by the men at 5 o’clock, while the ladies got the hall ready for us all to eat together. Once we had finished eating, it was time to clear up and wash up and get ready for the past caravanning year quiz, which was hosted by Becky and was all about The 77 Club caravanning year in 2023. Well done to our team, the “Jamie Dodgers” for winning! After the quiz Ian and Peter set up the projector so that we could watch the darts. Once this had finished I took the chicken back to the caravan again while Ian and a few others chatted and finished their drinks.
SUNDAY- We went over to the hall about 11ish to start preparing the room for our New Year’s Eve celebrations. Unfortunately mum suffered an injury where she fell off a ladder hurting her back, but that didn’t stop her from joining in. At 12 o’clock we went out for a meal to The Crown in Manningtree, it was lovely that so many of us all got together! The food was lovely and so was the company. Back to the hall we went to finish off the balloons and setting out the tables. Then it was all back to our caravans to get dressed up for the evening. At 7 we went back over to the hall for a disco which was kindly done by Peter, thank you very much Peter we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! We had lots of guests arrive for the evening and we partied the night away. I was surprised that all the children managed to stay awake and see in the new year! Once 1 o’clock came it was time to go back to our caravans, the mess could wait until the morning! Well done to Fred and Kerry for winning the weekend quiz!
MONDAY- it was lovely that so many people volunteered to help out tiding up the hall, it was done in no time. People then started to pack up and it was soon time to say our goodbyes. A very big thank you to everyone who came, we had such a lovely weekend and one that we will definitely be doing again in 2024!
Love Ian, Catherine, Lily and Harley xx​
17th/19th November 2023
Friday ....we left later tonight as I had a Drs appointment. The journey started off great until we hit Ongar High Street, they had shut the road for Father Christmas and the Christmas lights switch on and to give out sweets to the children. As we pulled up Catherine came out to say where to park, Ian and some others had gone out to collect everyone’s dinner. We put the heating on and went straight over to the venue. Thank you so much for getting our dinner it was much appreciated! There’s not much to set up in the caravan so we went back over to hall. Catherine had brought a great game over, some of us played and apparently I won! At 10:30 we went back to our cozy caravan.
Saturday .... Kev got up early as he was taking Ronnie to a shoot. I had a lovely lay in and didn’t get up until 11.45, I couldn’t believe it! I’ve had a very lazy morning and enjoyed every moment. I finished my Indian for lunch, wrote out our Christmas cards and watched a bit of TV. Kev got back at 4pm, he had a fantastic day picking up with Ronnie. We started to get ready to go over to the hall for 6 pm. Once in the hall we were greeted by Prosecco, Baileys and orange juice. Everyone looked amazing, I do love our dinner and dance. I took everyone’s photos (see web) and I must say that Pete let the team down by forgetting his cuff links , so ended up using sellotape to keep his cuffs together!! Ian soon pulled back the curtains for us to be seated and WOW !!! the room looked beautiful. Well done to the committee for all your hard work. 7pm our food came out. I had a lovely prawn cocktail it had a little kick to it which was lovely (I’ll definitely be trying it on Christmas Day!). Ian’s soup looked amazing too. Kev done his usual and had seconds. The dinner was amazing nice and HOT, I had beef, some had turkey or nut roast, more roast potatoes and veg were brought out. I had Christmas Pudding and brandy sauce fir dessert, some had fresh fruit salad and some cheese n biscuits. After dinner Catherine and Becky came round selling raffle ticket, then Ian and Pete gave out the fishing trophy, which Kev won. Then the raffle started, there were lots of amazing prizes! Well done to Sue n Steve for winning the recliner chairs , we one 2 prizes some Scentsy wax’s and a lovely 77 club water bottle that I shall use on next years rallies. We soon danced the night away in true 77 club style, 12 o’clock came far too quickly and the night was over and we said our goodbyes to those that came just for the evening. Some of us sat around chatting before going back to our caravans, we finally got to bed at 2.30am, thankfully I slept well.
Sunday.... The wind got up but it’s nice and dry. Well done to those that helped tidy and hoover the venue. Members started to pack up and say their goodbyes. We would like to wish everyone a safe journey home , and we will be thinking of you all at Christmas and New Year, enjoy every moment making fantastic memories and here’s to spending 2024 with you all.
Love Kev n Karla xxxx
Ps we would like to wish every member new and old a HAPPY HEALTHY CHRISTMAS pray 2024 will bring you good health happiness and laughter keep safe xxx
3rd to 5th November
Chris arrived Friday morning to get set up as I had to wait for Aubree and Emelia to come out of
School so followed up late afternoon in my car.
When I arrived there were 12 units on site and all had been decorated ready for rick of treat. At
8.00pm the children and some adults had dressed up in their Halloween costumes and went around
all the units. A lot of sweets were collected and eaten.
At 9.00 pm it was over to the gazebos to pay dues and collect weekend competition.
Saturday morning was very wet and raining heavily so the building of the bonfire was delayed until
a little later when the rain had stopped. The children loved riding on the trailer.
At 2.00pm the children gathered outside Karla's caravan to make chocolate apples which were soon
consumed and there were a few messy faces. Then it was over to the riffle range to have a shooting
competition. Chris Gristwood won this for the men and Janine Marshall won for the ladies. Sorry
can't remember who won the children's.
At 5.00pm it was the lighting of bonfire followed by a ghost walk in the woods. There was a lot of
screaming coming from the woods. Once everyone was back to the bonfire it was time to light the
first firework of the night. The children loved the loud bangs and pretty effects. We all had burgers
of sausages cooked by Karla and her son-in-law James.
The evening was finished off with a karaoke sing along which concluded at 10.30pm when
everyone returned to their vans.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny and at 11.00am it was back over to the gazebos for the usual raffle
and competition results.
Kerry and Fred and Chris and I won the adults weekend quiz.
Catherine won the raffle and we won the arrival prize hence this report.
We would like to say a big thank you to Kevin and Karla and all their helpers for another fantastic
bonfire and Halloween rally. We think personally that this is one of the best rallies of the year.
Hope to see many of you at the Dinner/Dance next weekend.
Chris and Elaine
Thursday ...we came this evening and had a great drive here, hardly any traffic. I think it’s because the weather has been so bad people haven’t wanted to adventure out. We were the only ones here tonight. We have Joanie with us and Ella will bring the rest of the children up tomorrow after school. We soon set up and Kev popped out to get us a Chinese. It’s so peaceful here and thankfully no rain. We do love snuggling up in our warm caravan before bed.
Friday... got up early as Joanie woke up needing a drink of water. After breakfast we went out for a lovely walk with the dogs in the woods. It’s a beautiful day and I’m praying that it stays this way. As we got back Neal n Tina turned up, then other members started to arrive. We have 12 caravans here in total. Sadly some members are poorly so can’t make the weekend, we wish you all well soon! Thanks to those that helped us put up the gazebos. It didn’t take long to get the gazebos dressed up for Halloween trick or treating. Ella then turned up with the other grandchildren, our peace is now shattered! Thankfully they had already eaten so no cooking for me! It wasn’t long and they were running around playing in the woods. Thanks to Catherine and Ian for bringing us our dinner in (spare ribs and chips) from the Harvester it was lovely. 8pm we started our Trick or Treating, well done to all the children for dressing up. The children were very spoilt with lots of sweets and chocolate, I know our grandchildren was buzzing at bed time. Also a big thank you to everyone for dressing up their caravans, it was very hard to choose a winner so I left that to the children (they chose Tina and Neal’s), the best dressed girl was Winnie and the best dressed boy was Monty. Kevin did frighten the children with his Chucky mask. It was back over to the ghosts castle for paying our fees and having a chat around the fire. 10pm I took our children back to the caravan to get ready for bed and for Poppa to tell them his usual dragon story, they were still buzzing at 11 pm.
Saturday ... it rained so hard through the night that I didn’t get much sleep. 7am Joanie woke up and all the rest followed soon after. It’s still raining. Kev took the dogs out for a walk, it’s manic in our caravan, why do we do this to ourselves (I guess we love it!). Once they all had breakfast we got dressed and they all went outside in the rain, got soaking wet, then came back in the caravan to get dry and more dry clothes. Kevin’s Landy wouldn’t start the past couple of days so he went out to buy a new battery for it. It’s still raining so we haven’t started the bonfire yet, the children are itching to get out there even though it’s still raining! The time was getting on so Kev got the children on the trailer and lots of us went to collect the wood. Thanks to everyone for helping. The children absolutely love building the bonfire. After lunch, I got everything ready for the children to do their chocolate apples, it really does make a mess but it’s great fun watching the children having fun. 2.30pm most members went over to the shooting range. Thanks to John and Joan for setting it up for us. Everyone had great fun. Dottie and Monty won the children’s shooting (thanks to their helpers), and Janine and Chris won the adults. 5pm we went down to the bonfire. Kev got the music started and the children went on their ghost hunt. Hearing their screams I gathered they had a scary time. 6pm Kev lit the bonfire with the 3 guys on top. Spencer and Pete won the best guy. Soon the sky was lit up by the very bright and loud fireworks. Thanks to Ian and Pete for setting them off for us, they were brilliant! While they were going off James (our son-in-law) and I started cooking the burgers and sausages. Thanks to Doreen and Diane for cutting the rolls! We then had giant marshmallows on the BBQ. Kev started the singing off, it was great seeing lots of members singing their hearts out. It’s been a great night, thank goodness the rain kept off. It was lovely seeing Richard, Mark and his partner come this evening. I took the children back to our caravan for bed and we could still hear the singing in full swing.
Sunday ... it was dry this morning. The children had their breakfast and went straight out to play. Kev tried to start his Landry and the alarm wouldn’t stop, it was going on and off for ages. 11am everyone went down to the gazebos for coffee n prizes. Ian said his things and Dave is acting Rally Officer. Well done to Elaine n Chris, Fred n Kerry for joint winning the Adult quiz. After that had finished, Kev popped out to sort the battery (again!). Thanks to everyone for taking down the gazebos! Once Kev got back, I got the children in my car and headed off home as I’ve got a hospital memorial service this afternoon. It’s been another fantastic rally, thanks to everyone that came. We are looking forward to our Dinner and Dance in two weeks! Driving home the children were full of excitement, I asked them their best bits and Arnie said the shooting, Joanie said trick or treating, Monty said I loved everything it was all my best, Gracie said every 77 club rally is the best and Dottie feel asleep!!!!
Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Monty , Arnie Joanie Winnie Nellie xx
Sadly Peter had a bad accident on his way home and his car and caravan has been written off but thank goodness he came out with only bad bruising. Wishing you well Peter xx
20th/22nd 2023
Friday .... we had a good journey here and we soon set up. 9 caravans this weekend for our annual AGM. Kev popped out to get us dinner, then at 8.30pm we went over to the hall for a catch up with friends. I didn’t stay over there long and went back to our lovely warm caravan. I was asleep by the time Kev came back.
Saturday ... Kev got up early as he was going on a shoot with Ronnie, I didn’t wake up until 10.20am. I took the boys out for a long walk to blow away the cobwebs then it started to rain again so I hurried back. It was lovely looking out the window and seeing the rain fall. At 2.30pm everyone went over the hall, it was nice to see those that come for the AGM. Chris told everyone how Clive was doing, we all wish him well soon. The club brought him a hamper as a get well gift and for all his hard work whilst being in the committee. Richard was very brave and came for the AGM with Steve n Sue. The meeting went well and we got a few things sorted. We welcome Phil as our new Rally Officer and Barry is going to be our new Sport Officer, although it was voted on that his title will now be Sports and Games Officer as he has made some amazing games. Well done to Becky for having found out the answers to a few questions. Ian asked us to raise our glasses to our members that have passed away this year, we send our love and condolences to there families. Kev turned up just as the AGM had finished, He was taking me out to dinner so I didn’t have to cook. A few of our members ended up at the same pub, the food was excellent! I had fish pie and Kev had steak pie. Then it was back to the hall for a Ladies vs Men darts competition. Lots of laughs was had by all. I then went back to our warm caravan.
Sunday...Kev was up early taking the dogs out, I had another lazy morning. It’s so lovely laying in bed hearing the children laughing. Harley won the decorate the pumpkin competition and even wrote his own name. No one hung around as it came over dark. Hope you all had a safe journey home and hopefully we will see some of you at the bonfire rally for lots of fun! Don’t forget the children will be knocking on your caravan trick or treating you and it would be great if you could make a guy. Looking forward to entertaining you all.
Just to let those that don’t already know, our Mags passed away on Friday after a short illness, she absolutely love caravanning. Thank you for making her so welcome x
Love Karla Kevin and Mr Bourne Ronnie Fat Loui
Friday - We arrived approx 12.30 in the rain but luckily no wind, to find 4 other units already there.
Shortly after pitching and setting up the rain stopped and it became brighter with some sunshine.
During the afternoon 4 other units arrived making 9 units in total. The evening came all too quick so over to the hall we went to meet everyone and pay our weekend fees.
Saturday.- Unfortunately it was wet again for most of the morning, so a lazy morning was had by us. A few members went out for lunch, while the committee gathered in the hall for a meeting prior to the start of the AGM. Only 13 other non rally members turned up for the meeting!!! (Shame more people couldn't make it)!
Thank you to all the committee members for a great job over the year. Unfortunately Clive had to resign from Rally Officer due to his leg and foot accident. Sorry Clive its taking a long time to heal but know you are making progress and hope you will be able to join us rallying next year. Our new Rally Officer for the coming year is Phil Wright. Barry Barker was nominated for Sports Officer, renamed as Spots and Games Officer as Sarry is the master of making great games. Thank you Phil and Barry, and all other committee members, we all wish you a successful year rallying.
At the close of the meeting we had the usual toast to the 77 Club plus a toast in remembrance to our friends that have passed away this year. Eileen and Jim Hurley, Edna Eusden and Kathy Crossman. RIP You will all definitely be missed and remembered.
Meetings make us hungry so off we went for a meal to a nearby pub, The Rose and Crown, only a few miles away. 2 tables of 8 and 2 tables of 4. (Pre booked of course) Think we would all recommend this pub as the food was delicious and we received good friendly service too. Later we gathered back in the hall for a game of darts and a nice relaxing get together.
Sunday - We woke to gorgeous sunshine just peering over the trees. It felt quite cold but the vans soon warmed up with the sun-shining on them. Unfortunately Tina and Neil had to shoot home first thing in the morning, so hope all is well now. 11 am came it was time for coffee morning in the hall, and the usual prise giving etc, well you know now who won the arrival prize! Tina won the bonus ball, well done. Diane won the raffle well done to you too! Kevin and Karla won the weekend quiz, great job, it was too hard for us! Lol! The children's competition was to decorate a large picture of an orange pumpkin, and Harley did a good job so he won. Great work Harley, and the other children too. I expect to see them displayed in your caravan windows at Firework/ Halloween weekend. Thank you Adrian and Janine for organising the weekend competitions.
I trust and hope everyone arrived home safely, and hope to see as many as possible at the Fireworks/Halloween rally and Dinner/Dance.
Take good care, keep safe Doreen and Ron XX
Newbourne 77 Club Rally Report
5th – 8th October 2023
Hi everyone!!! As we slip into Autumn we were treated to a weekend that felt more like Summer in June than October!!!
After successfully negotiating the single track roads into Newbourne we arrived at the Village Hall to find Phil and Maria parked up at the bottom of the field. We duly drove down to ”Mole City’’ where with a lot of ramps, bricks and blocks we managed to level the van. We had arrived - time for a beer. Later in the evening Kath and Barry arrived under cover of darkness making three of us for the night.
On Friday Phil and I went fishing off Felixstowe beach and caught a few small Pouting which would barely fill a sardine tin. Lunch followed with the Girls at The Alex on Felixstowe sea front which was very nice. On our return to Newbourne six more units had arrived making nine in total. In the evening we gathered in the Hall to pay our dues, socialize and get stuck into the weekend quiz organized by Becky which involved identifying band names from pictorial clues. Nice one Becky, it got the old grey matter working for some better than others. Well done to Fred and Kerry who ultimately ran out as worthy winners.
On Saturday I jumped ship to go and watch my team Ipswich Town win again!! For the non-believers there was a free day to do your own thing and enjoy the continuing good weather. In the evening we got together in the hall to socialize and Becky came up trumps again with a Higher or Lower game which was good fun.
On Sunday we had coffee morning as usual with prize giving which ultimately saw chocolate chip cookies finding their way to me in exchange for this Rally Report. Fair trade I think!!!!
Great to see everybody and looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Steve Aylott
Roding Hall Tea Rooms
22nd - 24th September
We arrived at the wonderful Tea Rooms Rally on Friday evening and arrived in pure brilliant sunshine, what a welcomed change after all the rain we had a couple of days previously
The entrance to the rally field now has a combination lock on an automatically operated gate which looked rather new and was a welcomed added security to the rally field.
Jannine and Adrian were slightly in front of us and very kindly opened the gate to allow us access which was really helpful as we didn't know the combination for the lock Ha Ha ha. Thank you both.
We parked up next to Kev and Karla right close to the paddock where there were 2 massive horses grazing all day. With big horses come the inevitable... and believe me they were big horses !!! couple this with the brilliant sunshine and the fact that the horses had been eating the luscious grass all day, I think every fly and bluebottle in Ongar was attracted to the ... Fertilizer. Ah well, that's the countryside for you.
Kdev and Karls have a new Car a lovely black Volvo similar to Catherine and Ian's, it's lovely, well done you two.
Off to the Hall, which was down the road from the Tea Rooms to pay our dues after a swift half in the local public house of course, followed by several more beers and glasses of vin blanc sec back at Chateau Mascall.
thank you Bob and Deb for hosting another lovely evening.
Saturday morning was beautiful, the weather was superb, and again there was brilliant sunshine. Bob kindly offered to cook the Bacon rolls, horrrrrray, a great start to the day. As I contemplated a cooked bacon roll and braced myself for the inevitable invasion of those pesky flies, to my surprise, the Horse handlers arrived and cleaned up the entire horse field. Barrow after barrow, they cleaned, scraped and raked through the fertilizer until there was no more, a fantastic job. horrrray.
Lunchtime came, and we headed for Shopping to Bishops Stortford, and that done, we headed back to the ranch for afternoon sippers outside the vans before dinner.
Washing up done it was time for fun and frolics at the Hall again, which was hosted by Barry and Cathy, I must say a brilliant night, so entertaining, those who were not there missed a really brilliant evening, next time you are out find out what you missed, a brilliant night where male and female battled against each other where the male population of the evening allowed the female congregation to win the events of the evening, well-done girls and well deserved...
Thank you so much Barry and Cathy for an excellent evening, fantastic as always.
Sunday was a little windy, but it was bright as we enjoyed the Coffee morning. results of the weekend quiz were given out thank you, Peter and well done to Becky and Pete who managed to win the Grand Prize. Oh, and Cathy won the Bonus Ball well done Cathy. I will give you one guess as to who won the Raffle, and they even managed to pick out their own ticket........ Have you guessed yet................ You are correct "PETER" again. LOL
well done Peter..
All completed, and after saying our goodbyes we packed up and headed for Colchester. This was a wonderful weekend, well organised and great fun with great company. Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you so much for making it a wonderful weekend
See you all in a Pair of Weeks
Joe and Julie Hamilton