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77 Caravan Club
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77 Caravan Club
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77 Caravan Club
Welcome to
The 77 Club

*** Please send all Rally Reports to c.chittick@me.com ***
4th to 6th November
Fireworks Rally- Hallowtree, Ipswich
We came on Thursday after Kev finished work, we had a lovely drive. 3 caravans were already here. We soon set. Steve and Dawn soon came, and we ended up have a lovely Chinese take away. Kev tried to put our heating on, but it didn’t come on, so the men had a little play around and got it working, although it was very cold, it was nice to take the chill off.
Friday ... it was a lovely morning let’s hope the weekend stays like it. More caravans turned up and a motor home. We had a new member come this afternoon that had heard about the club from a advert that Kathy had put on their Colchester Community page on Facebook. So, a BIG welcome to Kerry and Fred it was lovely meeting you both and thank you so much for joining in our fun weekend, even though you didn’t know anyone. We hope you enjoyed yourselves. More caravans turned up and some members had to drive back home to get their children from school. Thank you to the men that helped Kev put up the old gazebos and to Dawn and Richard for helping me decorate them with our spooky Halloween stuff. Our Jess brought up our grandchildren after school for the weekend so now it’s going to be manic! It was also lovely to see every caravan had dressed up for when the children went round for Trick or Treat. We had another new family with their caravan turn up tonight (Pat n Derek’s granddaughter) Maddie, Lee, Layton and Novaa. So, a massive Big welcome to you too, well done for coming on your own and hope you enjoy your first rally with the 77 club! We waited for them to set up then we started our fun knocking on the caravan doors. Thanks to everyone for giving the children lots of goodies, they absolutely loved it. Thanks to Dave and Christine for taking our fees this evening. Our grandchildren went back to our caravan to watch Hocus Pocus. Most members sat around the fire drum drinking and chatting, it was just like old times.
Saturday ... the kids had us up early as they were excited to build the bonfire. Kev had already got the trailer. It started to spit with rain. Thanks to Pete and Becky for your bed sheet so the children could sit on the trailer. Thanks to everyone that came to help build the bonfire in the rain, nothing stops us!!!!! 1pm- the children came round our caravan to make their chocolate apples, they really do enjoy the mess!!!! 2pm- it’s over to the shooting range for more fun. Well done to everyone that took part. After that finished Kev went down to the gazebos to set up for tonight’s fun. Thank you, Ian and Pete, for setting up our fireworks. 5.30pm- the children came down to the gazebos for the Ghost Hunt. Kev, Becky, our new members Kerry and Fred and I took them through the woods trying to find the ghosts, sadly there wasn’t any! 6pm- Kev and Pete lit the bonfire with our one and only guy made by Spencer and Pete, then Ian and Pete started the fantastic fireworks. They certainly were loud and bright. The children said thank you for their sparklers. As they came to an end, I started to cook the food. Thank you, Christine, for helping me and to Doreen and Diane for cutting up the rolls. It started to rain but at least it was dry while we stood to watch the fireworks. On went the music with lots of singing. I took our grandchildren back to the caravan as they were cold and tired, we could still hear the singing which sounded good.
Sunday ..... rain, rain and more rain, 11am we all went down to the gazebos for coffee and prize giving. Well done to all the winners thank you all so much for joining in, we hope you all enjoyed yourself as much as we did. And thanks to everyone that helped us. I won the bonus ball, Catherine won the raffle, and our new members Maddie and Lee won the arrival prize, we look forward to reading it. We didn’t hang around as I had another Forget Me Not Hospital Service that I was attending at 3pm. We hope you all have a safe journey home and look forward to seeing many of you at the 77 club Dinner Dance xx
Love Karla Kevin and all the grandchildren xx
Ps Gracie asked me to thank every one of you for making their Trick or Treating so fantastic xx
21st to 23rd October
2022 AGM- Pleshey
Derek and I went on Thursday following up Chris and Clive, weather wasn’t great but as we couldn’t go until later than usual we soon got set up and settled in for the night.
Friday saw the arrival of Tina and Neil followed by Dave and Christine, then John and Joan and finally Doreen and Ron making just the 6 units, by the afternoon the sun had come out and we were able to have a sit out for a while, which was a bonus for October.
Over to the hall to pay our dues and have a natter before off to bed to prepare ourselves for the forthcoming AGM.
Members started to arrive around 1ish, attendance wasn’t great but a lot was to do with repairs to caravan’s and cars, (delayed by a lot waiting for parts), lets hope that they all get sorted soon. the meeting started 2.30, After the preliminaries were over and the present committee “stood down”, it was time for re-election which saw some newbies elected, I believe Catherine will be publishing a full list on the Web Site.
Wishing the newbies a warm welcome and look forward to some new members and ideas to move the club forward and hopefully swell our numbers.
Evening came and we gathered in the hall, not knowing what the evening would bring, Clive arrived with armfuls of games, Tina promptly sorted out the “Play your cards right” , which was great fun, then Chris organised “Blankety Blank”, it was good job we had no children present and it was after the watershed as it got quite naughty, but great fun, a really good laugh, but sadly all too soon the night was over and it was back to our van’s.
Sunday we were woken early with the sound of rain, but fortunately it did stop for a while, giving us chance to pack up in readiness for the journey home.
We went over to the hall for coffee and prize giving, we won the arrival prize, hence the rally report, Doreen/Ron won the Bonus Ball and Christine and Dave won the weekend quiz.
All in all a small but enjoyable rally, thank you all for your company and hope you all arrived home safely before the rain came down.
Pat & Derek
17th/ 19th June 2022
Friday ... this was one of the quickest rally’s we drove to! We left home 4pm and the A127 was very good and clear. Mags has come with us for the weekend and she is so excited to see Deb n Bob but so was disappointed when I told her there not coming. This is such a beautiful site, lovely fresh cut grass and there were lots of different fields to choose from. Kev and Steve went out to get our dinner (kebabs), Ian went out to get all his family McDonald’s. We ate outside as it’s still so warm. 9pm it’s still warm so we took our chairs and sat outside Clive/ Chris’s caravan to pay our fees. It was decided not to put the tent up as this rally isn’t being hosted. As it got darker members started to go back to their caravans/motor homes. Kev sat outside with Steve n Dawn having a drink while I took Mags inside. It sure is hot tonight we opened all the windows and pulled down the fly nets, thank goodness I brought a fan from home.
Saturday ... it was such a fantastic morning. Kev got up early to take the boys out before it got too hot. There were 2 little French Bull dogs walking around freely, don’t know who they belong to??! It was so lovely to see everyone sitting outside relaxing. We had our breakfast outside under the willow tree in the shade. Steve n Dawn’s little grandson Theo came for a sleep over, I think he was a little over whelmed at first until Dawn got the children some water pistols out, they do love water. Kev got our hosepipe out so I could bath our boys (much needed bath) plus to cool them down. Then Kev gave Harley the hosepipe to water his nanny and Auntie Sally, which as you can imagine got out of hand!! It started to spit with rain yet still so hot, this weather is crazy. As it cooled down Kev took the dogs over the next field to give them a run and brush, so much hair came out of Ronnie yet hardly anything from Mr Bourne. After lunch we had a lovely walk around the campsite and saw lots of horses. Although it’s still warm we kept having drops of rain. This afternoon it started to rain a little heavier so we went inside to watch Dirty Dancing but feel asleep. 5pm members BBQ and we ate inside as it was a little chilly. It came over dark and kept spitting with rain, but that was it. Kev sat outside with Dawn and Steve this evening. Roland n Ian put up a little dome tent that they snuggled under, don’t think anyone else sat outside. 9.30pm the thunder n lightning started, omg was it loud as the rain fell down. At one point our caravan shook, although I pulled the blinds down our caravan was still lighting up. Mags didn’t like it and got a little panicked. Kev come in 10.30pm he said it was great watching it.
Sunday.... wishing all our dads a happy Father’s Day today. You’d never believe the weather last night seeing it this morning, the sun was beautiful. Our Hayley, JC and children popped over to give Kevin his Father’s Day presents and stayed for breakfast. The children loved running around the field, Joanie was in her element being free!!!! Mag’s and I had another walk around the campsite to see the horses while Kev put some bits away. It’s the first time in a very long time that we were the last to leave a rally. Thanks to everyone for another great weekend it was so relaxing. We hope everyone got home safe. See you in two weeks xx
Love Kev Karla Mags mr Bourne n Ronnie
28th May / 4th June
Friday 27th ... (we came a day earlier) we got the caravan ready to leave for 5.30am, as soon as we pulled onto the A127 there was traffic and it was down to a single lane, thankfully it was soon ok. We came M4/M5 and we had a great drive down having 3 stops. It took about 6 hours but it was a pleasant drive. Our tank was on RED so needed to find a petrol station ASAP so drove past the camp. We found this little Co-Op station had to block the road 🥴 We then drove back to the camp to have a lovely warm welcome and a cup of tea for Kev from Doreen. We soon set up and now it’s time to relax. The sun is shining and we sat outside drinking and chatting. Kev went up to the cafe and got us fish n chips, then we sat over with Diane n Roland etc. As the sun went down it got chilly so we all piled into their awning to finish our evening off. 10 pm was time for bed, it’s been a very long day.
Saturday ... We had a great sleep , the sun is shining the sky looks beautiful. We had breakfast and decided where to go out today and we ended up driving to Plymouth. It’s so nice there, I’d like to go back during the week to look at the harbour side. We got back to camp and more of our caravans had turned up. The traffic was bad for them so took much longer than expected to get here. The tent had been put up thanks to everyone that helped. Chris and Clive put there pool table in there for all of us to use. I have brought lots of banners, bunting, balloons etc. so I decorated the tent. 5pm most BBQ’d, we ate outside as it’s still so hot. 8pm we went over to the tent. We had a laugh watching some play pool and table tennis, I’m glad I played Chris R as she was worse than me (that’s saying something). 10.30pm back to our caravans.
Sunday... the sun is shining but a cool wind. Kev cooked us breakfast wraps which was so nice. Lots of members were cooking outside, the different smells were yummy! Chris came round to pull names out for the pool competition over the holiday. We then had a drive to Torquay, it was beautiful. We had a ride on the BIG Wheel, the views were beautiful. We had a lovely walk along the sea wall, had our dinner out and watched the world go by. They have a beautiful harbour with some amazing boats. Yesterday a £6 million boat caught fire and oil had spilt into the sea, the police roped it off. There were 3 big sewage trucks trying to drag the oil out of the harbour. As we walked back to our car I found a nice dress shop, so had a little spend up. On the way back to camp it started to rain yet it’s still warm. We had a lovely walk around the site this evening it’s bigger than we thought. 8pm it was over to the tent for Louisa’s 1st part of a “Cockney Slang” quiz, we had such a laugh, I couldn’t believe how many I knew, we one the first round with 27/30! Some members had a drive to Plymouth and some went to the local pub. 10.30pm we went back to our caravan.
Monday ... a lovely sunny morning so we sat outside for breakfast. A dark cloud is in the distance, I hope it stays there!!! The Gristwood’s had a hire car come this morning so they can get out and about. We drove to a beautiful beach in Bigbury, we stayed there couple of hours and watched the children having surfing lessons. We called Doreen to tell them about this beach as you can drive very close to it (Ron won’t have to walk to far). The sun was beautiful, let’s hope it stays that way. We then drove to Kingsbridge and had a lovely walk around and got a few things from the shops there. It started to rain so we went back to our car, although it didn’t last and the sun came out again. On the way back we drove to Totens, that was hilly so Kev stayed up the top and I walked down to the bottom. There’s such lovely little quant shops and we found a nice little cafe for a late lunch. On the way back to camp it started to rain this time a bit heavier but it had stopped by the time we got back and the sun was out again. We sat outside for a while and then we went out to dinner this evening with the Colchester group to the local pub, it was the best prawn and salmon salad i’ve ever had. We got back to camp and went straight over to the tent for our pool competition. I won my round although it was just beginners luck! We had such a laugh with Louisa‘s quiz and we will have another round tomorrow night. Off to bed at 10.30 pm as it had turned cold.
Tuesday ... the sun was shining early this morning then the heavens opened up. Again it didn’t last long before the sun shined again. Some members went out early to see friends. We had a drive to Brixham Harbour, it was so nice there. We sat by the boats and had our lunch. The sun was shining, although there were dark clouds but the rain held off. We made our way to Paignton which was very busy but we managed to get a parking space. We had a walk on the sand and along to the pier. We sat and watched the children playing in the sea, it must of been cold as they were shivering. Kev had a coffee as we walked back through the fun fair, wish we had the children they would of loved it! Had a lovely drive back to camp and came across a fishing lake. Kev spoke with the farmer, he was so nice but they only done fly fishing but said he had a lot of interest about carp fishing so is thinking of changing. He did say Kev could have a look at their lake. We got back to camp in time for our Cheese/Wine evening arranged by Diane, Chris and Doreen, thank you all so much for a fantastic evening along with Kev's music. We had a sing song, more of the pool competition and Louisa’s quiz again.
Wednesday ...we didn’t wake up until 9.45am. The sun is shining. Some members had already gone out to Brixham but ended up in Plymouth?? Some went to Kingsbridge. John n Joan had a drive that should have only taken them 20 minutes but took 2 hours (not sure why) but they said the fish /chips was worth it. We didn’t end up going out until 12.30 and popped back to Plymouth but to the harbour. It was so lovely, we had lunch by the boats and watched the world go by. We are both missing the dogs and children so FaceTimed them. It was so beautiful and the sun was shining. We had a walk around the little shops and sat back down on the for a yummy ice cream. On the way back we found a Morrison’s so I could get the food for our afternoon tea tomorrow. We got back to camp and some members were still out. We sat outside our caravan sunning ourselves. It’s beautiful so we had our dinner outside. 8pm it’s over to the tent for Elaine n Tina’s bingo. Our prizes were from 50p, £1, £5. Well done to all the winners! Louisa finished off the “London slang“ quiz then we had more of the pool competition. The boss from the camp came down as some of the electrics had blown but he soon got it up and running again. I’ve really enjoyed this holiday but it’s going to quickly.
Thursday ... another lovely morning, I’m praying it stays nice for our Queens Jubilee Afternoon Tea. Some members went out for the morning and I got stuck into starting our Afternoon Tea food. Thanks to Kev for being my gopher and getting the tent ready with the tables, music, urn and cups/ saucers etc. I’m doing it for 1pm so everyone can have it for their lunch. 1pm soon came round and we got the food over the tent , it looked lovely. Thank you to Lily for helping me put the cakes out, you done a beautiful job! Everyone came over and got stuck into their food. I passed teas/coffees and Pimms around, it was so nice to see everyone dress up with their hats etc. Cathrine, Ian and the children popped over to celebrate with us and it was lovely to see them. Thanks to all the helpers for helping me wash and wipe up, it was cleaned up in no time. As it was so hot outside we all decided to sit outside and finish off drinking the Pimms and sunbathing. 8pm it was over to the tent, it’s still beautiful outside. Once the sun goes down it will get chilly. We finished off the pool competition, the finals were Christine and Dave. Well done to Dave for winning. Kev took some sidekick shots for everyone to try, it went down well especially with Louisa, Doreen and Christine. It’s been lovely this evening having a singsong with Kev’s music. Then back to our lovely warm caravans.
Friday ... another beautiful morning. Our holiday is coming to an end. It’s been fantastic, the weathers been great and great company. Everyone has gone out to various places this morning. We went to Salcome, it’s so beautiful. Their nice shops and beautiful views. Kev brought some new shorts and I finally got my crab sandwich that I wanted. We sat by the boats watching the world go by. There was a little boy sitting next to us eating his lunch and he was very shocked when a seagull flew down and took it out of his hands. He wasn’t impressed! We decided to go back to camp as they are doing a Queen Jubilee party on our site. A few of our members went up there and there was lovely music, afternoon teas, pate sandwiches, drinks etc. We stayed for an hour then I wanted to get back to our caravan to start tiding away. Thanks to Doreen, Ron and Diane for helping me take my flags down from the tent and to all the helpers for taking the tent down. A big thanks to Clive for giving his much loved pool table to us, it has brought so much fun for everyone over the passed 30 odd years, I promise it will be well looked after. I also took my flags bunting down from around our caravan, it looked so bare. 7pm Kev went and got our fish n chips from the cafe. It’s been lovely eating out and not doing much cooking. We finished our evening off sitting outside chatting with everyone. We played Christine’s game “COME TO MY PARTY”, it was so funny we had to say what we would take to her party!!!! I’ve not laughed so much in a long time. We said our good nights to everyone and hope you all have a safe journey home. Some members are staying until Monday (lucky yous), pray you get home safe. Thank you so much to Chris and Clive for arranging another brilliant holiday, you have done an amazing job over the years. I know this is your last year as booking secretary now sit back and enjoy your rallies. Love Kev n Karla xxx​
13th May / 15th May
Derek and I were really looking forward to our first rally with the club this year, we arrived at around 12 ish on the Thursday to find Chris and Clive already here then Doreen and Ron arrived, we were soon set up and expecting more to arrive Friday giving us a total of 10 vans.
Over to the hall at 8 o’clock to pay our dues and a catch up, plenty to talk about as we haven’t been out for a while and as “old habits die hard” we volunteered to host Saturday night.
Saturday was a beautiful sunny day so we sat outside chilling out and chatting while some members went off to the local church for a plant sale and we were told , when they came back, that there were bric-à-brac stalls as well as the homemade cakes, glad I didn’t go, I wouldn’t have been able to resist.
Over to the hall for our evenings entertainment, a quiz with a little difference, everyone seemed to enjoy it, albeit the losers complained they had been cheated!!! Wouldn’t expect anything else ha ha.
All too soon it was Sunday coffee morning and time to say goodbye to a most enjoyable weekend especial as we won the weekend quiz, the bonus ball and of course the arrival prize, hence the Rally Report, will definitely come again!!!
Well done to Chris for completing her treatment. xx
29th April/2nd May 2022
Arriving on Friday around 11.00am we found 5 vans already pitched up. After the usual disagreement about where we should pitch, we settled down into setting up. It had been a while since we were last at Dan’s Meadow and it looked like some changes and upgrading had been made. During the rest of Friday more vans arrived which totalled 17 units in all for the weekend. A really good turnout. Friday evening over to the hall for tea/coffee/alcohol! to pay our rally fee, pick up the weekend quiz, etc etc.
Saturday was a free day for members. Clive and I went over to the Suffolk Punch (1 July Rally) to iron out some details, fortunately things have worked out fine. Saturday evening over to the hall for Peter’s musical bingo, always a good night. A full house was not called until 10.50, a great night.
Sunday, maypole day. As is the norm, Clive set up the maypole early afternoon, members gathered round waiting for the off. Elaine asked for the ladies first, to show everyone how it was done, Peter as always in charge of the music, off they went round and round up and down. Very sedately. Next up the kids, some had done this before but some had not. Chaos! The little ones needed a lot of help from an adult. Next up the men, obviously wanting to do it right and treating it as a competition. The music was a little bit faster for the men but they coped very well.
Sunday evening over to the hall for Steve H’s up and down game. So very simple, everyone can have a go. Most seemed to join in and enjoy the fun. Next up was Barry with his roll a ball game, another easy one that saw a lot of members taking part in.
Monday coffee morning, all the usual things, birthdays, arrival prize, quiz answers etc, etc.
The weather was ok, albeit a little bit breezy, no rain hooray!
29th April/2nd May 2022
Friday....we had a nice slow drive here, we followed behind Kev, Dottie and the dogs. We had an extra child this weekend (Arnie), the children were so excited driving here. As we arrived there were 16 caravans/campers already at the weekend. It was lovely to see Mick out, it must of been hard for him without Penny. As we got sorted out Dawn n Steve pulled up in their motorhome. Kev took Dawn to get fish and chips for our dinner. Arnie absolutely loves the caravan and wanted Kev to show him how everything worked, the toilet really fascinated him. 8pm and it was over to the hall for paying our dues and having a catch up with everyone. It’s so lovely seeing the children running around enjoying themselves. 10pm we took the children back to our caravan looking for wolves and dinosaurs on the way. I made the children’s bed up while Kev took the dogs out. They were so shattered it wasn’t long before they were asleep, well so I thought! When Kev came back in he could see a big hump in their bed, as he lifted the quilt up Winnie and Arnie had there IPads on watching a film, cheeky little monkeys!
Saturday .... the sun is shining the children soon got dressed and were out playing while Kev and I cooked breakfast. It took a bit of arranging sorting out the seating arrangements but as the weather was so beautiful we ate outside. Thanks Dawn for loaning us another chair! After I tided up Kev got some bread and we walked along the stream looking for fish/ducks. I do like this venue it is so beautiful. As we got back some of the children were playing football outside. I made our children a picnic and they ate it on a blanket, the weather has been so kind to us. I found some big wands of bubbles and water balloons for the children to play with. Steve H started to join in, he got the brunt of it and the children got him wet, with Winnie standing on Dawn’s chair and pouring a bottle of water all over him (with Dawn’s help). After dinner I was hoping the little ones would come in for a sleep but they had a different idea and were soon outside playing again. Kev took them through the forest (so Winnie calls it). 7pm I called them in for a wash and PJ’s on and then over to the hall for 7.45pm we were a bit early!!!!!!! 8pm Peter started his music bingo, it was lovely hearing everyone having a sing song. Thanks to Cathrine for supplying the colouring for the children. Another good evening. On the way back to our caravan the children used there imagination again looking for lots of different animals in the dark.
Sunday .... Kev and Steve went out early to a boot sale. The children didn’t wake up until after 9am. Again they were soon dressed, had cereal for breakfast and then out playing again. We had a lazy morning, I got started on cooking our roast dinner. 2 pm it was down to the maypole for our annual MAYPOLE DANCING. We did miss Bill, Rita, Pat and Derek’s Morris Dancing. Well done to everyone that joined in, I certainly enjoyed it. Monty and Winnie didn’t quite get the hang of it but I’m sure with practice they will. A big thank you to Clive and Chris for brining it for our entertainment. Back to our caravan for our roast dinner, some members went to the pub for dinner. Later this afternoon we had more fun in the woods telling scary stories. Before going over the hall the children got there PJ’s on ready for 8pm for tonight’s entertainment with Steve Dawn’s Higher/ Lower game and Barry’s Kathy’s Roll a Disc game. We had a brilliant evening so simple to arrange yet so much fun. Thank you all so much for this evening’s entertainment. Back to our caravan in the dark looking for rabbits this time.
Monday .... the children were so tired this morning they laid in until 10am. Kev done their breakfast while I put the beds away. They couldn’t wait to get outside with the other children. 11pm it was over to the hall for coffee prize giving, well done to everyone that won the quizzes ect. Thanks to everyone that helped make our weekend so much fun! Some members went to the pub for lunch. We started to pack up, the children didn’t want to go home but it’s back to school tomorrow so they need an early night. Hope everyone had a safe journey home see you all soon.
Love Karla Kev Gracie Dottie Arnie Winnie Monty Mr Bourne n Ronnie X
15th/18th April 2022
We arrived there about 3:00pm on Thursday, there were already a lot of caravans and motorhomes there as we pulled in. Clive came over and said where we could park, so we decided at the far end. We set up and Abi had made friends already. Evening came so it was over to the hall to pay for the weekend, and to get the quizzes and have a chat.
Friday was a hot day so plenty of sunbathing for some. We all went for a walk around the area and then back to the hall for hot cross buns and a cup of tea. Kevin and Karla arrived early evening and Joe and Julie not long after, which made a total of 17 units. Saturday was a free day so we visited Stonham Barns as we needed milk, also for Neal and Tina. In the evening we had games which were The Cube, so looked easy until you had to have a go. Sunday was hot so lazing in the sun. Kevin had opened his roof light but somehow it had come apart, he had to fix it before the evening. The children had got some water bomb balloons and were playing with them. Then over to the hall for the Easter egg hunt and Easter bonnet competition. In the evening we had live music while the children watched a film. Monday morning came so over to the hall for prize giving and the competition results. Midday was time to say our goodbyes until the next rally.
Love Barry and Kath
15th/18th April 2022
Thursday ... we have brought 4 of our grandchildren for Easter so had to come in two cars, I had the children and Kev towed the caravan. We had a lovely smooth drive here, the kids were great and soooo excited, it’s Montys first time away and he isn’t sure what will happen. He couldn’t understand why poppa was in his car with the caravan on the back and got upset thinking poppa was going without him. We got to our venue and was soon set up. As I opened our cupboard the door it fell off in my hand (this is a good start to the weekend), Kev wasn’t impressed with me!!!!!! I started dinner while the children played in the park. 8.30pm we went over to the hall for teas n coffee and to pay our dues. The children have been given a raw egg to cook and decorate. It’s so lovely seeing so many children running around playing and having so much fun. The Itinerary is packed with lots of fun!!!!! We hot back to our caravan as the kid’s are so excited to sleep in the BIG bed. Kev started to put the bed up for the children to find it had come apart so 11pm he was screwing it up and the children was all laughing and giggling with excitement .
Friday ..... 8.30am our peace and quiet soon stopped, one by one the children were waking up and they wanted to get out into the garden (as they called it), so I blackmailed them to hurry up and eat there breakfast, get dressed, do their teeth and then they was gone!!!! 10am I called them back to help me decorate the caravan, I had made a new Easter garland in 77 club colours. 11am lots of members rallied around the 77 club flag to go on our walk. I must say I was very proud of Winnie and Monty for doing the whole walk! The sun was shining, the views were beautiful, just what we all needed after the covid lockdown. It certainty blew the cobwebs away. We got back to camp and over to the hall for teas coffees n HOT X Buns. As the sun was so beautiful everyone went back to sit outside their caravans/motorhomes to relax and watch the children having fun in the park. 2.30pm Catherine had arranged for the children to do Arts n Craft in the hall. They beautifully decorated chicks and eggs, and thank you to Kathy for bringing over Easter cards to make. Once they finished it was back out in the sun having more fun playing with water guns. 5pm some people BBQ’d and ate outside, while others cooked in the vans. 7.30pm it’s over to the hall for “THE CUBE “ games and Roll the Bottle!!! Massive thanks to Dave and Ian Catherine and Christine for a great evening. Their games looked so easy but my god they were tricky! Well done to the children for joining in, you done much better than us adults. We certainly have some very competitive people in the club! Well done to you all. Dave W won the bottle of Gin all the money (around £18) raised was given back to the club. The evening finished and on the way back we took the children with their torches to find rabbits until we reached our lovely warm caravan.
Saturday .... another beautiful morning. The children have slept very well. They are so excited to play in the park. I let them go over while I tidied breakfast up. We are taking them to Stonham Barns this morning, it’s been years since we have been there. Kev tried to open our skylight and it came off it’s hinges (another thing that needs fixing!) so he will do it once when we get back. Stonham Barns was brilliant, lots of Little antique shops and the children loved the old sweet shop (so did Kev). We saw some amazing birds and the children went on some rides, they even got me on trampoline 😜😜😜😜 We had an ice cream then back to camp. On the way back we saw Neil, Louise and Colin having a nice walk. After lunch it was over to the hall for more crafts, this time it was decorating their boiled eggs. Most members were sitting outside their caravans soaking up the sun. When we got back to the van Winnie said nanny I’m having such fun with all my cousins and friends but I can’t keep my eyes open can I have a little sleep on your bed. 4 hours later she was still asleep! 7.30pm it was over the hall for Chris’s quiz and a film night for the children. Thank you to Chris, Ian n Catherine for this evenings entertainment. The children loved their film night, they watched the new ICE AGE and PETER RABBIT 2. I sat in with the children as I also enjoy a good film! Catherine gave the children popcorn and drinks and I gave them sweets. Kev said that Chris was a great quiz master. 10.30pm I took our grandchildren back to the van as they wanted to go to bed, again on the way looking for rabbits with there torches.
Sunday... Another beautiful morning. Kev and Bob got up early to go to a bootsale. When he got back we had a nice surprise, Ella and my mum came for a few hours. While we were saying our hellos Kev hid some small Easter eggs so they could have another egg hunt (just around our caravan), they were so excited to find them, they had chocolate eggs for breakfast!!!! 10.30am it was over to the hall for the 77 club Easter egg hunt and Easter Bonnet competition, also we had the Girl n Boy of the year. A massive well done to Lily and Harley for winning. The children made a great effort for their hats, well done to the adults who took time to make there hats even if they were recycled! It really does help when we all join in. After that had finished everyone sat outside their caravans while the children played in the park and played football. I was busy cooking our roast dinner. Kev borrowed a table n chairs from the hall as it’s so beautiful we set it up outside to eat. Later in the afternoon Gracie got the water balloons out for the children to have a water fight, it’s so lovely to watch them having fun and laughing. This weather certainly has been good for us! We said our goodbyes to mum, Ella and Nellie. Winnie said I’m not going home with you mummy i’m staying here. 8pm it was over to the hall for tonight’s entertainment, live music by Keith. He started his singing for the children which we joined in with then it was the normal songs for the adults. The weekend has been full on so lots of tired faces. 10.30pm I took the children back to our caravan for bed time .
Monday ..... It was 9.30am before the children started to wake up. Kev started to pack a few things away and the children went over the park, while I cooked breakfast. 11am soon came so over to the hall. Lots of prizes were given out. Well done to Kathy and Barry for winning lots this weekend. Monty, Emilie, Barry and I won the Easter Bonnets and Monty and Caitlin won the decorated eggs. It’s been a fantastic weekend and the grandchildren don’t want to go home. They have asked if they can stay another couple of days, that’s worth everything seeing how much they have loved this weekend. We hope everyone had a safe journey home. We are bringing 5 of our grandchildren out next rally so looking forward to seeing many of our members out at may weekend xx
Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Monty Winnie Mr Bourne n Ronnie x
1st/3rd April 2022
Friday... Had a nice drive here, we left home a little later as it was Kev’s presentation at work for being there 25 years today. There’s six caravans here, thanks to Diane for Kev’s cup of tea it was much appreciated to warm him up. We soon set up and got the heating on, Kev popped out to get our dinner (the fish n chips was beautiful ). 8pm we all went over to the hall paying our dues and getting our itinerary, the hall has been decorated and looked lovely. We shared the bar area with the regulars, it was lovely seeing everyone and having a good catching up, back to our lovely HOT caravan.
Saturday ... had a much needed lay in, it was so beautiful looking outside and seeing the sun shining outside, we have waited a very long time for this. Today Kev’s taking me to Hitching to meet Abbi n Jon as they’re looking at caterers for their wedding next year and we are going to see what they can offer. The ride was so beautiful, the sun was shinning and it’s so warm, yet cold out of the sun. We had a lovely few hours at the wedding fair, we ate loads of tasters so we won’t want our steak tonight. Back to our venue, it was lovely seeing Lily n Harley playing in the park. I sat inside while Kev took the dogs out for a run, I do enjoy watching him training Ronnie. As we were still not hungry I made sandwiches to take over the hall tonight. Over to the hall at 8pm for bingo and charades. Thank you Catherine for being our bingo caller with the help of Harley, being your echo!!!! A fun evening had by all and I was pleased that I won £2. We didn’t end up doing charades as more bingo was voted on, we had a lovely evening then it was back to our warm caravan .
Sunday....another beautiful morning and another lovely lay in for me, as I won’t get one at the Easter Rally as we are taking 4 of the grandchildren. After breakfast it was over to the hall for coffee morning, thank you Diane for making teas/coffee. Clive had two heads on this morning doing chairs roll and then his own. We won the rally report and Ian and Catherine won the weekend quiz. No one hung about, we were soon set up and on our way home. It was a lovely first rally hopefully see many more out Easter, there’s lots going on so plenty of fun to be had! Wishing everyone a safe journey home x
Love Karla Kevin Mr Bourne n Ronnie x