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 Hallowtree Scout Camp – Halloween & Fireworks

1st November - 3rd November, 2024.


WOW! What a great weekend that was!!

Where to start, well Janine and I were one of the last to arrive on the Friday with many already set up and in the process of decorating their caravans for Halloween.

It was great to see all the kids out and ready to great everyone who arrived with smiling faces.

The race was on to get the van set up to make a coffee or 6! Always an important consideration when setting up and then we were onto the decorating of the van ready for the trick or treaters to arrive in there costumes.

The kids and some of the adults did not disappoint with there costumes and scary masks. They were then led around each of the vans to get as many sweets as possible and as always the 77 members did not let the side down with plenty of sweets and sugar coated gifts to keep the kids bouncing off the walls for a few hours.

We were then over to Kev & Karla's van / gazebo to pay our dues and catch up around a fire which I must admit is one of my favourite times.

Saturday came all too quickly and we were off to collect fire wood for the bonfire with all the kids pitching in and loading up pallets, planks and the odd chair to be used later on that night. As always the highlight of the event was the ride back on the trailer for more wood.

Once the wood supplies were established we then also set up the remainder of the gazebos ready for the evening BBQ.

At this point the kids found out that Karla had organised for each of them to decorate giant marshmallows and biscuits with as much chocolate and sprinkles as they could fit on them, I am sure that some of the ingredients did not make it on to the plates but directly into little mouths!! Also there were a few larger / older mouths waiting for any potential opportunity on the fringes!

We then had time for a quick lunch and then it was down to the rifle range for some target shooting thanks to John & Kev. Now this is where all the kids both big and small can have some fun and laughs, there were some bullseye’s and some misses but we all have a great time.

It was then back to the vans for a quick and light dinner and to get ready for the main event. Chairs were collected and positioned, drink and snack bags packed and we were down to the gazebo’s for the BBQ and Fireworks.

Firstly though, there was the traditional lighting of the guy and a great effort was made this year by Spencer with a Sponge Bob Square Pants guy who proudly sat at the top of the bonfire. With this lit we were off for the main event.

Then came the fireworks with much anticipation from both the younger and older children within the club! There were rockets to start followed by a selection of multi shot fireworks, sparkler fountains and a grand finale which saw many a cheer with delight.

We were then ready for food and more food being cooked on the BBQ with sausages and burgers aplenty, alongside a drink or two, for medicinal purposes of course! Background music and chatting made the evening complete with lots of laughter and good conversation, this was intermingled by

the children asking for the bonfire to be higher and higher. Then we were onto the Karaoke and credit to all members who took to the stage for the evening.

A great evening with some great memories being made.

Sunday awoke to the members starting the job of taking down all their decorations and the general pack away.

We were then down to the gazebo’s once again for the coffee morning and prize giving.

Now we had a few winners this weekend so let see how my memory did!!!


Best Decorated Caravan – Ian & Catherine

Best Costume Men – Barry

Best Costume Women – Kath

Best Costume Boys – Spencer

Best Costume Girls – Lily

Best Shot Men – John

Best Shot Women - Lily-Anne

Best Shot Boys – Harley

Best Shot Girls – Dottie

Bonus Ball – Kev

Raffle Price – Ron & Doreen


Oh! And Rally report was Janine and myself, well me as I sit here writing this and eating the chocolate!!

A big thank you to Kev and Karla for pulling the rally together, many people commented on how this is one of their favourite rally’s, but also a big thank you to all the members who get involved and help, play and generally have a laugh so we all have a good time.

We look forward to seeing you all at the Dinner and Dance.

Best Wishes

Adrian & Janine.



Brookfields, High Ongar

4th- 6th October 2024

I arrived late Friday morning to find Doreen and Ron, Dianne and Roland, Maria and Phil, and
Richard already set up on site and enjoying the sunshine.
As I was setting up we were joined by Pat and Derek and Sue and Steve.
Late afternoon, early evening Catherine, Ian, Lily and Harley then Becky, Pete and Spencer arrived
to make a total of nine units.
It was great, especially considering the weather a few days before hand, to find the field was bone
dry and firm.
Everyone got set up and fed and at 8.30 we went over to the hall to pay our dues and have a chat,
also to pick up our weekend riddles quiz.
For those of us who have been to this venue before, we were surprised to find that instead of the
draughty barn we used to use, the owners now have converted the building adjacent to the toilets
to a new hall, although it’s not yet 100% finished so there was a tarpaulin over some doors
adjoining another shed and the ceiling has yet to be boarded.
Even so it was perfectly fine and much better than the barn, it also has proper chairs and tables.
Eventually we all drifted back to our caravans.
Saturday started cloudy, but the sun soon broke through although there was a chilly breeze.
Many went to North Weald market or did a bit of shopping, the rest of us just relaxed on site, the
market shoppers came back and joined us.
Saturday evening it was over to the hall for Pat and Derek’s 77 Club Blankety Blank.
It was all set up like the actual show, although we drew lots to see who would be contestants.
The celebrities were four members of the committee.
It was a great quiz and in true 77 Club style absolutely hysterical.
Roland and Phil both ended up with 77 Club cheque book and pens, Maria got a prize and Steve
won the Supermatch game and ended up with a trip to Scotland (a packet of shortcake biscuits),
a bottle of wine (a small bottle containing one glass full) and a dishwasher (a bottle of Fairy
It all ended much too soon so the evening was finished off with a quiz.
Well done to Pat and Derek for all their hard work, we all had a great evening.
Sunday was more or less dry although there was an odd spot of rain first thing.
It was over to the hall at 11.00 for coffee morning.
Pat won the Bonus Ball, I won the weekend quiz (a packet of biscuits) and the arrival prize
(another packet of biscuits), so get to write another report, for the second rally in a row, to go with
the packet of biscuits I won last time. I won’t be buying any for a while.
All the children did really well at their colouring competition and all won prizes.
Another brilliant weekend.



Newbourne Village Hall

20th - 22nd September 2024


I arrived on Friday to find quite a few members already there.

After getting set up I joined the others for a natter and a drink or two in the sun. 

After a break for cooking and eating dinner, Janine and Adrian and Pete, Becky and Spencer arrived bringing a total of 10 units.

At 8:30 we all congregated in the hall to pay our dues and have a catch up. People drifted back to their caravans as the evening drew to a close.

The next day Phil, Richard and Mark went off to Felixstowe for a bit of fishing. The rest of us had a relaxing morning. It was another warm, sunny day. 

In the afternoon most of us made our way down the road to The Fox for a drink or even a meal. 

In the evening it was over to the hall for Chris and my James Bond, 007 quiz. Chris was very strict and she took charge by organising everyone into 2 teams. There were video clips of 007 pre-title sequences for people to identify, several rounds of questions and a trailer of the 1967 version of Casino Royale spoof to identify the number of James Bonds and the actors/actresses playing them. There was only one viewing allowed. 

It was a great laugh and everyone seemed to have a good time. 

11 o'clock came all too soon and we all went back to our caravans. 

Sunday morning started warm and dry but just as we were all beginning to pack up, the rain started. We met in the hall for coffee and prize giving. Maria, Phil and Richard won the weekend sweet shop quiz, Lily won the children's picture colouring quiz, with Spencer and Harley very close behind, so they all got prizes. The team that won the 007 quiz was announced, it had Pete and Becky, Adrian and Janine, Ian and Catherine, plus a few others in it. I won the bonus ball and the arrival prize. After coffee the rain had stopped so we could all get on with packing up. I packed up and got away pretty quickly as I was going away the next day. I left others still there, I hope they all had a good journey home.




Fowlmere rally

6-8 September

We arrived on Friday morning in brilliant sunshine to a lovely hall and field. It didn’t take long before we were sitting outside drinking coffee and chatting and we pretty much didn’t move until bedtime. (Apart from switching what we were drinking of course!)
Gradually everyone arrived with a total of 12 vans.
Saturday dawned bright and sunny and we all did our own things in the morning. In the afternoon Janine and Adrian set up Kubb and croquet and we had a very competitive and fun time. I’m afraid to say the men were the eventual winners!
Saturday evening we all went over to the hall and played “77 Fortunes” with the usual 77 club hilarity. After the heats the winning 2 teams competed to be champions with Becky, Pete and Roland being the victors. Some more games were set up and played and the evening ended with Barry playing the ukulele and us all singing “Side by Side”.
Sunday morning the weather changed and it became showery. The hall wasn’t available to us so we met under the covered walkway and with the help of some umbrellas we were fine.
The other winners of the weekend were:
Weekend quiz - Becky & Pete
Children’s aeroplanes -
Best design - Spencer
Longest flight - Grace
I’m sure we would all like to thank Janine and Adrian for all their hard work to make a very successful weekend.
Maria & Phil


Norton Village Hall

22nd - 26th August


We arrived at lunchtime on the Thursday and there were a few units already there. There were 8 units in total on the Thursday. It was a bit windy but the sun was still shinning. We went to the hall at 8pm for teas and coffees and to pay our dues. It was lovely to see everyone and have a catch up. 

A quiet day and more units arrived during the day making a total of 17 units! A group of us went to the pub down the road for a meal. We went back over tot he hall for 7pm for cheese and biscuits, followed by Fun Bingo hosted by Christine, We had a game of Roll the Bottle during the break, a bottle of Champagne for the adults, which was won by Phil, and a jar of sweets for the children, which was won by Olivia. 

Saturday morning Becky done a Jazzercise class over in the hall at 10am, which was a good way to start the day. It rained on and off all day. Some of us went into Bury St Edmunds to do a bit of shopping, while others stayed at their vans. We went over tot he hall again at 8pm for live entertainment by Faye Phillips. Everyone had a great time, all up dancing and singing along. We thought she was really good. 

Sunday morning was a bit quiet but at least it had stopped raining and the sun was shinning. We had Sports Day at 2pm which was hosted by Barry. It included an egg and spoon race, football, stocks and a water fight, which was started by the adults. Everyone taking part got soaked but had a great time. At 8pm it was over to the hall for Ian's Games Night. Everyone was laughing and joining in and don't forget the occasional cheating! 

Morning morning came and it was over to the hall for coffee morning and prize giving. Catherine and Ian won the weekend quiz, Tegan won the older children's quiz and Emilia won the young children's quiz. 

It was a lovely weekend and we hope everyone enjoyed it.

We would like to thank all the Committee for all their hard work it making it such an enjoyable weekend.


Roland, Diane and Olivia


Thorpness Rally Report

9th - 11th August


David and I were really looking forward to this rally as its one of our favourite places, and it didn't disappoint. Lovely site and lovely weather. We arrived Friday morning and there were already 4 vans here. After setting up we had a walk into Aldeburgh, it was such a lovely day we decided to have lunch at The Cross Keys pub. When we got back to the site more vans had arrived, 11 units in total. It was nice to see Barry and Clare out on their first rally with us, also Mark and Yvonne. We decided to put the tent up, so with everyone's help it was soon done. 

Friday evening we went over to pay our dues, have a drink and a chat with other members. We were going to the boating lake in the morning.

Saturday morning everyone except Colin and Peter, set off to the boating lake. Peter had to go and get gas and Colin decided to stay at the site. I think most people opted for a rowing boat. Richard and Mark had a canoe each. We paired off with Janine and Adrian, we all had a go of rowing, but it's harder than it looks! Adrian did most of it, we had a great time and we all managed to stay dry except Richard which looked like his boat had a leak, but i think Mark might have had something to do with that. We all went back to the site for Sue and Maria's afternoon cream teas, which were delicious! Saturday night we all went over to the tent for our hosts games night. Play Your Cards Right was first which we thought nobody would win, but eventually Peter succeeded. So we went on to play Reverse Charades, which was really funny, chaotic at times but played in true 77 Club style.

Sunday morning the sun was shining so we had our coffee morning outside. Helen and Phil won the weekend quiz and the raffle, Phil and Maria won the bonus ball and lucky us won the Arrival Prize. 

We would like to thank Sue, Maria, Steve and Phil for a fun filled weekend.


Dave and Christine 


Suffolk Punch Trust

26th - 28th July 2024


Friday: We arrived just before lunch after a relatively easy drive to find 5 units already on site. We booked in with the visitors centre and then set up. The weather was warm and windy so we sat outside and had our lunch. Other members soon arrived making a total of 15 units this weekend. Just after 5-00pm some members set off to the Fish and Chip van at Hollesley village hall, unfortunately he is retiring on 2nd August, although they are in discussions with someone to perhaps take it over. Soon everyone was back with their dinner and we sat together in the tent to eat. At 8.00pm we gathered in the tent to pay our dues and have a catch up. As it was Tina's birthday today she had bought everyone cakes. We had to finish by 10.00pm as we were not allowed to make a noise after this time.


Saturday: At 11.00am we all gathered at the tent and made our way down into the Farm to see the horses. Some members went on the red route around the farm whilst others made their way around the green route. The quiz for this weekend was all about the Suffolk Punch Trust so lots of photos were taken of the information around the farm. Most members went on the Tractor ride at different times during the day, which was a bit uneven and bumpy. We were given information by a lady called Carol which was very informative. In the afternoon some members relaxed in the sunshine, whilst others visited Shingle Beach and had a dip in the sea. At about 5.30 an ice cream van came onto the site and all the children and bigger children had an ice-cream. 8.00pm we were back in the tent for Becky's games, which were never say die, shut the box and Mastermind. There was a lot of laughing going on, but a very enjoyable evening was had by all.


Sunday: Another sunny day which makes a nice change and how our Summer should be. Over to the tent. It's Pete's Birthday today so Becky had bought cakes for everyone. The results of the competitions were announced. Peter won the weekend quiz, Richard won the bonus ball, I won the raffle and Chris and I won the arrival prize hence this report. Sorry I cannot remember who won all the Childrens competitions, but Harper won her age group. Hope everyone had a safe journey home and everyone who is now going on Holiday we hope you have a great time.

Hope to see you at the Bank Holiday rally


Elaine and Chris


Friday... we waited for the Kelly and Massey grandchildren to come round after their friend’s birthday party. We had a long drive here, stop start all the way. I messaged Catherine to pre order our fish n chips, we will have to reheat it when we get there. We were the last to arrive, 15 caravans here this weekend! A BIG THANK YOU to Pete and Becky for hosting this weekend. We went over to the tent just after 8pm to pay our dues and have a catch up with friends. Tina had brought cakes for this evening as it’s her birthday so we all sung happy birthday to her. The children were running around outside having great fun! It’s still so warm so a few people sat outside their caravans having drinks. We got the children into bed with poppa telling them one of his scary stories. It wasn’t long before they were asleep.

Saturday ... what a beautiful morning! After breakfast the children couldn’t wait to get outside to play and go over the road to see the donkey and her baby. 11am everyone met to go over to the horse sanctuary. A BIG THANK YOU to Catherine n Becky for getting us a good deal of £10 per each caravan for the whole weekend! It’s so lovely over there, we all walked around to see the beautiful horses and then we went on the tractor ride where we learnt all about the farm from one of their staff. I took a picnic for our lunch as the children asked me to make them one and we finished off with an ice cream. Some members ate in the cafe, some went back to their caravans. 2.30pm us, Becky, Pete, Spencer, Janine and Adrian had a drive to Shingle Beach. We have been here before and the children and dogs love it here. The dogs, Joanie and Arnie were straight in there! 5pm we got back to camp and the children could hear the ice cream van in the distance and was hoping he was going to come our way. Roland managed to flag down the van and asked him if he could come into the field. So lots of members lined up for another ice cream. I started cooking our dinner a bit later than normal, it sure has been a beautiful sunny day. 8pm it was over to the tent for Pete’s shut the box, Becky’s guess the fizzy drinks game (Mastermind) and her Nan’s game with 3 dice and 3 x 20p’s (Never Say Die), it’s been a very enjoyable fun evening. 10pm I took the children back to our caravan. Kev stayed with our friends to finish his drink. The children soon got into bed waiting for poppa to come and tell them a story.

Sunday .... Another very HOT day. Kev done the children their breakfast while I tided up the caravan. 11am over to the tent, my god it was HOT in there, so a few of us sat outside while Pete n Becky gave out the weekend prizes. Ian spoke about the Dinner n Dance and the New Year Rally, they will be upon us before we know it! It’s Pete’s birthday today and Joe n Julie’s Anniversary so more singing. I took the children back over to the farm for another look around and a play in the park. We got another ice cream as we walked back to the caravan . Some members had already gone, we didn’t rush off as it’s so beautiful. Kev cooked bacon n eggs for us. More caravans went and we were the last ones here. We had a lovely drive home and had a BBQ round our Hayley’s to finish our great weekend off. It was lovely seeing Joe, Julie Deb, Bob and their Daughter-in-law this weekend after a long time, we hope you enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Love Kev Karla Arnie Joanie Winnie n Nellie xx



12th /14th July 2024

Thursday ... As it’s the fishing rally and we are hosting, Kev likes to come today. We had a lovely drive, not much traffic. 5 caravans were already here. Kev parked up where we normally park, we soon set up, it’s warm but overcast. Kev popped out to get our dinner then he set up and had a fish. Thank you Doreen for inviting me to join you all but i’ve had a manic week so was lovely just sitting in our caravan watching Kev fish.

Friday ... Another lazy morning for me. Kev took the dogs out for a run. After his breakfast he went and done some more fishing. Janet had given Kevin a fishing rod that belonged to Syd so he was honoured to use that (and caught a couple of big fish). 1pm we had a table booked at the local pub. I had honey glazed ribs, chips and salad, it was massive so Kev helped me eat it. He had steak and mushroom pie, chips and beans, again that was beautiful. Then for dessert we both had Eaton Mess, again it was lovely. We popped to Tesco as I’m doing pancakes tomorrow night so needed bits for that. When we got back to camp Kev went to do some more fishing while I sat next to him writing my rally report. A few members had a fish getting ready for the BIG MATCH tomorrow! More caravans turned up. 6pm a few members went down the pub for dinner, they won’t be disappointed! A BIG THANK you to Joan, John, Louisa, Kev and me for putting the tent up, I’ve never laughed so much from the phrase “have you got it in“, “keep it stiff”, “I can’t find the hole”, “my god this is tight“, Kev on all fours grunting “John‘s  telling me to pull it harder”, “Joan was shaking with excitement“, “John said he hasn’t had so much excitement in a very long time“ and finally “Louisa really enjoyed it and didn’t feel a thing“. So if anyone heard us, we were talking about the tent, nothing else lol! Some members have gone to the pub for dinner so they will come over the tent once they’re back. 8pm members started to walk over to pay their dues and get there quiz etc. It was lovely to catch up. It started to get cold so I went back to our caravan .

Saturday rained very heavy through the night, let’s hope it’s nice for the fishing comp today! Everyone got together at 8am and went to their swims (there’s 8 fishing in total). I had another lazy morning before I cooked bacon and sausage sandwiches. The sun is trying to come out. I cut a couple of people’s hair in the tent as it’s not windy in there, then sat outside in the sun. It’s so nice seeing everyone catching some rays. I had a walk around the lake to take some photos of our members fishing. Poor Pete hadn’t caught anything when I got to him. Dave caught a nice big one but it got away. Just before 2pm Ian caught a big fish but had trouble landing it, even a little lad from across the lake ran over to help! 1 second to go and he got it in his net so very well done Ian. The weigh in started with Kev 13lb , Pete sadly 0lb , Ian 5lb 15oz, Phil a whopping 20lb5oz, Dave 7lb, Neil 5oz, Tina 4lb and Aaron 4lb5oz. Well done to everyone for taking part you’re all great sports. Some members carried on fishing, we took the dogs for a run and some training. 5pm most members cooked their dinner. Once I tided up I sorted the pancake mix and cut up lots of fruit for tonight pancakes. 8pm members started going over the tent ready for my BINGO 🤑🤑🤑 I did apologise if I said the wrong phases for the numbers. A big thank you to Lily and Spencer for selling the Bingo tickets and to Harley for picking the numbers out for me to read out. Well done to all the winners especially Richard for winning the last game, £15! Whoop whoop!!!! Once we finished Bingo I went over to our caravan and started to cook pancakes for everyone. They must have been nice as some had 3rd’s and 4th’s! We finished the evening listening to music. We hope everyone enjoyed this evening as much as we did.

Sunday... what a beautiful morning , the sun is shining. There’s lots of cars around as there is another fishing competition. We had coffee morning outside our caravan. Ian spoke about the dinner and dance and new year as that will be upon us before we know it! Phil done his talk and the raffle, which Kathy won. Louisa and Colin won the weekend quiz. The children had to draw and colour a fish, they were all so good I couldn’t choose so they all won! Becky won the Bonus ball and guess who won the Arrival prize ME!!! The weekend came to an end far too quickly, I didn’t want to go home so we had lunch then slowly packed away. No one rushed off. Neal and Tina and his son was doing another fishing companion between them (I don’t know who won). Chris and Clive stayed another night (lucky them). Hope you all had a safe journey home and see some of you in a couple of weeks at Suffolk Punch .

Love Kev Karla Ronnie n Fat Luey xx


28th.-30th July, Barleylands



I arrived on Friday to find Phil & Maria, John & Joan, Neal & Tina and Roland & Diane already on site.

John was temporarily standing in as Rally Officer as Phil & Maria had to take poor Marley to the vets to have a dressing removed after an operation on his foot.

I soon worked out where to park and got myself sited and hooked up to the electrics.

Once I got water and unloaded my food from the car I got myself a quick spot of lunch, and meanwhile Phil & Maria had returned with Marley who seemed to be running around without any issues with his, still recovering foot.

Shortly after I was fully set up, Neal & Tina came back from where they’d gone for lunch on their bikes and shortly after that we were all invited by Maria, who seems to be aspiring to be the 77 Clubs own Hyacinth Bucket, to come to their conservatory for drinks and a natter. The rest of us call it an AWNING Maria! LOL.

A few “lemonades” and a bit of shooting the breeze later and, before we knew it, it was time to start getting the dinner.

Colin & Louisa had arrived while we were sitting in the awning.

Kevin & Karla also arrived around this time with some of their entourage of grandchildren, although Karla dropped them off with Kevin & the dogs and went off to a charity event she had on that night, I think she got back sometime in the small hours.

Pete & Becky, with Spencer & Red, were next to arrive and started to set up and, an hour or so later, Becky’s Mum & Dad arrived bringing the total to 9 units.

It’s a great venue and those who weren’t able to come really did miss out.

As it was a nice weekend and there was only 9 units we didn’t bother to put up the tent, we all sat out in a circle to pay our dues and do a bit of socialising.

It started to get a little chilly around 10.00 pm and we all gradually drifted back to our vans.

Saturday dawned really hot, with lovely clear blue skies.

The rest of Kevin & Karla’s grandchildren were dropped off to them.

Some went round the craft village, others went out for a meal or just bit of local shopping, the children all went round the Farm Park, with help from Karla & Becky.

A lot of us just chilled out in the summer weather.

Again as it was an unhosted weekend we simply sat out in the evening with a bit of drinking and chatting again until it started to get too cold.

Sunday it started off a bit cool and overcast with the odd spot of drizzle.

Fortunately it was dry for our coffee morning, although, as there were no competitions this week it didn’t take long.

Some members were going to the car boot sale after this, Colin looked horrified when Louisa said she’d go over and look, he reckoned she could come back with anything!

All in all, a friendly laid back weekend in a nice location.






Friday... this must be the quickest rally that we have been on only five minutes drive from us I drove my car with the Thurlows children as we are looking after them this weekend. wWhen we arrived there was 5 vans already here that came yesterday. I helped Kevin set up then I drove back home as I’ve got a FORGET ME NOT CHARITY NIGHT with some of our mums. Kev didn’t want to cook so he got the children a take away (at least he knows all the kebab vans around here!). The tent didn’t go up as the weathers so nice. I got back to the caravan just after midnight , I’m pleased Kev met me at the gate to let me in then I went straight to sleep.
Saturday ...Kev went out at 6am this morning as he was going to Newmarket for a Dog training day which our girls brought him for dad’s day. We didn’t get up until 10am, I done the children’s breakfast before Hayley popped her children over as their going out tonight. We went over the farm with other members, Catherine had got us a very good deal only £13.75p for the weekend pass. We brought some animal food too, the children were so excited and ran over to the park but I told them they can go back there later as there’s so much to see and do. On the way to the tractor ride they fed the goats, I think us adults were just as excited on the Tractor as it drove us all around the farm and past where we are staying. It’s really changed since I came last time, so much more to do. After feeding the animals the children wanted to go on the giant bouncer bubble. Before heading back to camp for lunch we all had an ice cream (although it was the wrong way round). The children soon ate their lunch and was so excited to get back over to the zoo. Ella and James dropped Winnie n Nellie to us as they’re going out tonight. Dottie decided to stay with Kev while I took the children back over the farm. Arnie was excited that an owl was named after him. They asked if they could go back into the dark tunnels where the flying bats live, we even got to feed the baby calf’s with giant bottles as there mummy’s didn’t want to look after them so the farm has adopted them. We stayed there until it shut at 5pm. 
We had a nice surprise, Catherine Ian and the children had driven to see everyone. We started dinner, it’s so beautiful tonight that we ate outside. I had brought some chocolate fondue for dessert which the children loved. Pete got out some French Boules that Gracie took the children over the field to play, they really liked that. Most members sat outside Neil n Tina’s motor home, we stayed outside ours watching the children playing until it got dark, they truly had an amazing weekend with so much to keep them busy. 
Sunday... no one seemed to rush this morning, it a bit over cast and there’s a boot sale in the car park this morning, plus it’s BARLEYLANDS 40th Anniversary so they are doing lots of entertainment today. We can’t go back over there as it’s our Ella’s birthday BBQ later today. Kev cooked lots of bacon sandwiches and ham/cheese toasted sandwiches for breakfast. Ella came to get her two and we had coffee morning. As it wasn’t hosted there wasn’t any quizzes. Next rally is the fishing rally that we are hosting. The sun came out as I drove the children home, Kev followed behind with the caravan. It’s been a lovely weekend, hope you all got home safe, looking forward to see you again soon.
Love Kev Karla and the grandchildren xx





14th/16th June 2024

FRIDAY ... looking forward to this weekend. It was dry and sunny driving here and without any hold ups. The shop was shut when we arrived so thanks to Ian for coming to open the gate for us. It’s sunny here but windy. Once we set up Kev popped out to get us dinner. It started to rain so no one sat outside, as football has now started I guess everyone (but us) was watching it. Ian and Catherine popped in to get our dues and sold raffle tickets and bonus ball and before I knew it Kev was snoring his head off while I watched my film.
Saturday ... Kev was up early to go dog training as it’s in Colchester, I had a lovely lay in until 10.50am. I was going to walk with Luey to the boot sale up the road but although the sun was shining it poured down so I caught up on my magazines. The sun then came out and was so warm so I took Luey for a walk all around the campsite, it’s so beautiful down by the lake. I then had a walk around the caravans, I liked two so will get Kev back to look as them once he comes home. It started to spit as I walked back to our caravan. Kev got back at 3.30pm, he had a great training day. After a coffee we went over to look at the caravans that I liked but once we got inside nothing jumped out at me so I’m put off now as they haven’t got as much room as ours so we wouldn’t benefit  (Kev was very pleased!). Kev pop out to get a Chinese, I like this not cooking so will be taking a full fridge of food home. 7.30pm everyone gathered around Ian and Catherine’s caravan , thanks to Peter for your quiz, although it was hard. We sat outside until 10pm then it got chilly, hopefully the weather will be much better tomorrow.
Sunday... I didn’t have a great sleep as Kev was snoring his head off, the sun is shining this morning. Some members went over to the cafe for there BIG breakfast, Kev didn’t want it so he had his normal fruit and cereal. 11am we all gathered around Ian and Catherine’s caravan for coffee and prize giving, the children had to colour a picture for Father’s Day, they were all so good so Becky gave them all a prize. Becky won the Bonus ball, Kev won the raffle, Fred and Kerry won the weekend quiz, Ian’s lot won Peters quiz and Richard won the arrive prize. Well done to you all! While we packed away the dogs had a good run around, they should sleep well. As it was Father’s Day no one stayed too long, although this weather has been mixed it didn’t stop us from enjoying ourselves everyone said how much they loved this venue so hopefully we can come back next year. Hopefully everyone got home safe, see you all soon. 

Love Kev n Karla Ronnie n Luey xx




24th May / 1st June 2024

We left home at 10.30am, the sun is shining, let’s hope it carries on for our holiday! We didn’t have a stop as the dogs were asleep so we didn’t want to disturb them. There was a bit of traffic due to road works but we got here in 3 hours. A few caravans came yesterday, thanks to Doreen for Kev’s
coffee’s while we sorted the caravan out. It’s going to be strange not having the grandchildren with us this week. We didn’t rush setting up which makes a change taking it slow, but enjoyable. I made lunch before we put our awning up. Once we were set up we had a walk around the campsite, it had a heated outdoor swimming pool, little shop that sold everything, restaurant, small games room and a nice new children’s park. There was a lady doing children’s face painting and glitter tattoos for free, she had a long line of children waiting! The sun is still shining so we sat outside and had a drink. This evening we had a drive along the sea front, this is where I miss the children, they would have loved the amusements and rides! We found a kebab shop, Tesco, Chinese etc. so that was dinner sorted! It turned chilly that evening so we ate in the caravan. We were invited into Doreen n Ron’s tonight but declined and had an early night.
Saturday ...
Beautiful sunny morning, I cooked breakfast before we went for a dog walk. It’s getting hotter by the hour! We sat outside Doreen n Ron’s caravan with the others and more club members started to arrive. We are in two separate lines, but only around the corner from each other. We didn’t have lunch as we were still full from breakfast, so had an early dinner. We ate outside as the sun is still beautiful, we got a little burnt today! It was nice seeing our members popping to say hello as they had a walk around the campsite. After we went into the caravan for a lay down and to get out of the sun. I fell asleep,  which I never get to do. We took the dogs for another walk and there was children’s live entertainment by the games room. We stood and watched the children dancing and winning prizes before heading off to walk the dogs. As it was getting dusk, we sat in our awing watching the world go by. Thank you Doreen for inviting us again but it was so nice sitting in our awning, nice and cosy. We had some sad news this afternoon, an old club member Sylvia Adams past away today after being in a care home for a few weeks.  I did send the clubs condolences to Tracy Lampreier. Sylvia is now with her dear husband Dave. As we laid in bed we could hear the rain coming down hard, then it stopped, hopefully it will be lovely again tomorrow. 
Sunday ...
Wow, it sure did rain through the night!!!!! I feel sorry for the tents that are here, hopefully the sun will shine on them today! The sun is shining but a little windy so after breakfast we had a drive around the island to let the dogs off for a nice run. We then had a drive to Portsmouth, parked up and had a look around and walked along the beach front. Some members went out for dinner as it would have been Kathy’s 70th heavenly birthday. On the way back we found a lovely pub The Ship Inn, I had a beef roast and Kev had chicken, bacon and leek pie, mash and  veg. Our dessert was amazing too! We sat and watched some children crabbing, I wish we had our grandchildren here! When we got back to camp it was still so sunny yet windy so we sat in our awning and fell asleep. Some members popped by and had a chat. Nothing is planned for tonight, so we sat in the caravan relaxing. Kev felt hungry so while he took the dogs out I made some bacon and cheese nachos for supper. Afterwards ,we snuggled down and watched a film. 
Had a much better sleep, I didn’t hear the rain but woke up to it spitting slightly. We had a lazy morning and popped to Lidl’s to get the last bits for our pancakes tonight, we are hosting Bingo and pancakes. Phil, Richard and Steve have gone fishing (to get there dinner for tonight lol). We had an early lunch as Catherine had organised and booked the swimming pool just for all of us at 12 until 1.45pm, we certainly had fun and lots of laughs. Afterwards some members had a drive out for an early dinner, some walked down to the beach and the fairground. We had a drive around the island again this afternoon as the sun came out. We got back to camp and started to get organised for tonight’s bingo, we decided to do it early 6.30pm incase its to cold this evening. Thanks to Ian for lending us his giant windbreak and to Roland for lending us his griddle! Nearly everyone came over, thank you Kev for cooking our pancakes, we had lots of fillings. While Kev ate his pancakes Ian and I took over the cooking, you done very well Ian being that you don’t cook! While we cleaned up Catherine and little Emilie sold the bingo tickets, once we were ready I was tonight’s caller, we used Ken Martinelli’s bingo balls. I did apologise a few times for saying the wrong rhyming slang, not sure I’ll get the job again! Well done to Pat, John, Tina, Pete and Elaine for winning and to Barry for winning the last game of £10! Once we finished it had turned very cold so everyone went back to their caravans n motor homes. Thanks to everyone that braved the night outside, it’s a shame we can’t have the clubs tent up as the site won’t allow it, but it didn’t stop us getting together.

Tuesday ....
A wet morning, some members are going to Portsmouth today to have a look around the ships, we are going to Chichester. It’s been about 30 years since we been there! We bumped into Kathy and Barry they said that their next stop is Pagham. We found a caravan shop but there wasn’t nothing there to get excited about so we also had a drive to Pagham, we drove though and drove out again, it was raining so we didn’t bother to get out the car. We got back to camp at 4pm, the dogs were shattered after there long walks so slept. Kev ordered us an Indian tonight, we had an early dinner. It was one of the nicest Indians we have had! As it was raining we stayed in our caravan. 
Wednesday ...
Woke to beautiful sunshine this morning. Kev and Derek went to a boot sale on the beach, they said it was good. Some members had a lazy morning, cooking their breakfast outside their caravans. The different smells were amazing. Kev and I went to Waterloo Ville to have a look around, it was so nice sitting in the sun watching the world go by. We got back to camp, Ian, Pete and helpers were putting his windbreak up on Louisa n Colin’s pitch as they went home today. Later this afternoon a few of us went down to the funfair, we took John n Joan with us. The dogs went in the sea for a swim and loved it, (it was Luey’s first time). I got some great photos of the children and Ian on the rides, this is where I wish our grandchildren where here with us. Some got fish n chips for their dinner. It’s still nice this evening so we all met up and sat outside talking, drinking and catching up. We are going to the Isle of Wight tomorrow with some of the members, we haven’t been there since the 77 club went there years ago so we didn’t have a late night as we are leaving 7am in the morning to catch the ferry.
Thursday ...
I set my alarm for 6am as we are meeting at 7am with some of our members to get the ferry over to Isle of Wight. Some members were also going over on the Ferry but have booked a later one so we may meet them later. Pete and Spencer came in our car and we followed Ian and Dave’s car. After a little detour (typical 77 club style) taking the wrong turning, we finally got to the port early so we got an earlier ferry. The 40 minutes went so fast we just had time to eat our bacon roll before we had to get back into our cars. The weather wasn’t great as we drove to our first adventure of the day, the steam train. It was bigger than I thought and there was so much to look at. 9.30am the station master allowed us in our carriage, it was just like the olden days! The steam train was amazing and very loud. The sun soon came out as we went up the track, the children were very excited. After about 45 minutes we were back at the station. The children had a quiz that they were doing, looking around for the answers. We had a look in the train museum, it was so interesting. It was so warm as we got back to the car and we drove to Ventnor. OMG the hills and tight roads as we drove around to find a car park!! We walked down a very steep hill to the bottom and had lunch by the sea. I had a very tasty crab sandwich, Kev had a sausage and onion baguette. All of a sudden the heavens opened,, a staff member called across at us and said that we can take the dogs in the restaurant out of the rain. Within seconds it had stopped and the beautiful sun was beaming again. It was time to walk back to our cars, back up that dreadful hill, my legs were burning! Once again we followed Ian and Dave this time to the Alum Bay to catch the boat to see the Needles. Once again we had to walk down rows and rows of steps, down to the beach and the most beautiful coloured cliffs. I’ve never been to this part of the island before and I’m so glad we did it, I loved it! The sea was very choppy, we were helped onto the boat as it rocked from side to side. The captain was telling us all about the Needles and the lighthouse, we took lots of photos. We stopped for a little while and at one point I thought we might have been flung out of the boat it was so choppy! Some of us went back up to the top of the cliffs by the chair lift (I loved that too!), some walked up, our dogs helped pull Kev up the top. The funfair and shops had all closed by the time we got back to the top so once again we got back into our cars and looked for a pub for dinner. The first pub couldn’t accommodate us but said to try the pub down the road. They were so accommodating and the food was fantastic! I had pork belly, Kev had steak pie and all the trimmings, everyone was very happy with their food. After dinner it was time to get back to the ferry. We had a nice trip back, the sun was setting and a double rainbow shone for us. A big THANK YOU to Catherine and Becky for arranging today, it’s been our best day yet! In fact I’d love to come back for a week some day. We got back to camp and we all went straight to our caravans. It was Emilia’s 5th birthday today so they were going to Pepper Pig World, we hope you had a great day there. It’s our last full day tomorrow, let’s hope the sun will be as good as last Friday!
Friday ...
A dry but windy morning, we didn’t wake up until 10am. Kev cooked our breakfast outside but we ate it inside the caravan as it’s too windy. We got our awning down this morning while it’s dry. Some members went out for a drive, while others had a relaxing day. A few more members took there awnings down this afternoon. Christine and Dave booked for us all to have a meal in a pub just down the road for 5.30pm to finish off our holiday. We were sat in the conservatory, everyone ordered their own meals at the bar or on their app. Kev had scampi n chips and I had the carvery. Kev's scampi wasn’t very big so he asked me to get extra roast pots. There was a big chunk of beef on the side that I said to Pete “Kev would love that“ the next thing it’s wrapped in a serviette and in Pete’s pocket! Kev enjoyed every mouthful. The service was very slow and was coming out in dribs n drabs, so the manager was called. Most of us had finished our dinner and were on our desserts before more dinners came out. It’s a shame as ours was very nice but the service was poor. We got back to camp feeling very full, this week has gone so quickly it’s been a lovely rest for us. Although we did miss the grandchildren so it was lovely spending time with club members children and grandchildren .
Saturday ...
We were up early and had breakfast and packed away our last few bits. I walked around saying our goodbyes while Kev hooked up. Some members were staying on for a few more days, some others were driving down to Dorset to continue their break. The weather sure has been mixed throughout the week but hasn’t stopped us from doing anything. Thank you Ian and Catherine for arranging our holiday it been lovely sharing it with everyone. We hope that everyone has enjoyed their break and wishing everyone a safe journey home and hopefully see you all soon x
Love Kev Karla Ronnie n Luey xx



May Day Bank holiday at Crowfield

3rd-6th May


Neal and I arrived Friday just after 12pm. It was raining. We got allocated our space on the field and started putting our gazebo up in the rain. Once we was up and ready for the weekend, we sat in our motorhome had a well earnt drink and played cards for a while.  Cooked our dinner and got ready to go over the hall for 8pm to say hi to everyone and pay our dues. 15 vans for this weekend, which is another good turnout.


Saturday we got up and the sun was shinning, so we went for a nice bike ride on our little ebikes. Stopped at the local pub on the way back. Had dinner with a few drinks. Biked 7 miles. Members from our club had walked down to the local pub and sat outside.  Barry had put some of his games out for everyone to use.  Thank you Barry. Got back and got ready for the evening over the hall for Karaoke and listened to music. It was a good night.


Sunday we got up and the sun was shinning again. 11am we sat out side and did maypole dancing.  It is nice to see this old tradition still going.

We went out on another bike ride to the barn up the road as they had a motorbike show on.

We headed back to the motorhome, another 7 miles bike ride.. People was playing boules. We went and joined in, as I need to keep my title from being the winner for last year.  First woman on the trophy.


Got ready to go over the hall for a Mexican Cinco de Mayo fun evening with Adrian and Janine. We both dressed up. Others was also dressed Mexican. We was all eating together as there was jacket potatoes with various filling cooked for us.  Thank you for everyone involved.

Adrian and Janine played some games with us all which was fun and very funny. Specially the pin the moustache on Ian and Pete. That was a great evening. Thank you


Monday got up and started packing away, then over the hall for 11am.

Monty and Dottie won the Sombreros which Adrian and Janine got, for the children to make on Saturday.

Well done to all the others winners, from the weekend.


Then was time to say good bye to all. Hope you all had a safe journey home. See those who are going to the club holiday at Hayling Island.


Tina Edwards




Friday .... we set off around 4pm after a very wet and long drive (2 & 1/2 hours ) later we finally got to our venue. Phil came out to say where to park, we went up the top end of the field. The children were so excited to get out of the car and it was very wet, thanks to Janine and Adrian for taking the children into their caravan while we got set up. I cooked dinner and it was soon time to go over to the hall to pay our dues and have a good catch up with our friend, 15 caravans this weekend. Our Itinerary sounds very exiting packed with lots of fun. 10pm we went back, got the beds made up. The children wanted poppa to tell them a scary story, which made them even more hypo, so wouldn’t go to sleep.

Saturday ... beautiful sunny morning, some members were outside cooking breakfast. Kev got up early and went to Colchester for his dog training with Ronnie and the children went over to play in the park while I tided up. 11am all the children went over to the hall, Janine and Adrian had supplied everything for them to make there sombreros for tomorrow’s disco and karaoke, thank you so much they had so much fun making them, it was also there weekend computation which Richard chose the winners. Monty and Dotty won, the children were so good for me although they did spend a lot of time with Adrian and Janine. After lunch a few of us had a long walk to the pub, the sun was so HOT, some members drove and we met them there. Kev also met us there after his training. I drove some of the children back to camp and done a few trips to get the others back. I cooked a roast dinner this afternoon instead of cooking it tomorrow. 8pm over to the hall for Peters disco and karaoke. It was lovely hearing everyone singing together, some members sang on there own and we danced the night away before it was time for bed. Thanks to the men who helped us carry the sleeping grandchildren home, it was much appreciated.

Sunday ... another beautiful morning , we sure have been lucky the sun has been beautiful! We ate our breakfast outside. 11am we all met around the maypole, thanks to Chris n Clive for bringing it. Well done to Peter for doing our music and to everyone that had a dance around the maypole, I must admit it’s getting harder the older we get. The children couldn’t wait to play Barry’s games in the field while Barry set up the boules competition. I think he will carry this on though out the year. I cooked a load of burgers in rolls and done nibbles for our lunch, as we are having jacket potatoes at 7pm over the hall, which I must say Winnie said was the best ever! Thanks to all the cooks, our chilli’s, cheese and beans and home made coleslaw was absolutely beautiful! 8pm the Mexican Cinco De Mayo fun and games and music started, a very BIG thank you to Janine and Adrian for our evening you really did put a lot of work into it, and well done to everyone for dressing up you looked amazing. The children wore their sombreros that they made and they looked hilarious with there moustaches on. The children loved the pin the tail on the donkey and the piñata, the funniest thing was pin the moustache on the cut out of Ian and Pete! There were lots of other games (see photos) played and as usual some cheating going on. We finished the evening off with more of Barry’s games. The evening came to a end far to quickly, once again thank you to the men who carried some of our grandchildren back to our caravan . It wasn’t long before we all fell to sleep .

Monday.... we had to wake up the children this morning, the late nights have finally crept up on them. 11am it was over to the hall for tea/coffees and prize giving. Well done to all the winners , our grandchildren were very happy that Catherine gave them all a £1 with her winnings. It’s been another fantastic weekend, the weather has definitely been kind to us. Our Hayley came to pick up 4 of the children. We soon packed up but didn’t rush off, I made some lunch as the children were getting hungry. We said our goodbyes to those that were still there. We hope everyone got home safe. Looking forward to seeing those that are going on the holiday, safe travels to you all.

Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Arnie Winnie Monty Nellie Joanie xx



19th/21st April 2024

Friday ....Had a nice drive here not much traffic. Phil welcomed us onto the field and gave us a couple of places to park. It wasn’t long before our caravan was nice and warm. I fed the dogs while Kev popped out to get our dinner. The fish n chips was beautiful.

Phil came to let us know that some members were going over to the hall at 7.30 pm as the bar was opened for us to use. We got over there at 8pm, paid our dues to Phil and Diane and done the raffle n bonus ball, 12 vans here in total. Kev had a Guinness that he said went down like water, it was lovely to have a catch up with everyone. The children went into the hall as a kind lady put a film on for them to watch (Sing). We went back to our warm caravan at 10,30pm as we are up early in the morning to go to Colchester dog training.

Saturday ... we were up at 6.30am to go dog training, we got there for 8.15am and were greeted with sausage muffins and tea/coffee. It was so cold to start with. We moved around the field where our Son-in-Law Jon took the classes. It started to rain which I was pissed off with as I had left my umbrella in our car! Thankfully it soon stopped and the sun came out. The training ran over so we didn’t get back to camp until 3.30pm. There was football on and cars everywhere, a few members were watching the men play and I must say the swearing was a bit much. Some members had a drive into Bishop Stortfor , others went into the hall to watch Colchester United play football. Becky and Pete invited us into their new caravan this afternoon, I must say it is beautiful and it’s made me fancy a new one now! I didn’t have to cook again tonight Kev went out and got up dinner. 8pm was over the hall for Barry and Kathy’s games. What a brilliant evening, I ached where I laughed so much (see the web for photos!). I really don’t know how he thinks of these fantastic games. The evening came to a end far too quickly. Thanks so much to you both for a excellent evening. I hope I sleep well tonight after all the walking we done this morning.

Sunday ... nice and sunny this morning , but very cold. Over to the hall for teas/coffee and the normal prize giving. Thanks to Barry and Kathy for last nights entertainment and to Doreen for the weekend quizzes. We won the arrival prize so I’ll get our rally report to Catherine later today, Janine and Adrian won the Bonus ball and Pete and Becky won the weekend quiz. Spencer, Harley and Lily all had joint first in the children’s quiz. No one rushed off we sat around the hall chatting, some had a cook up before heading home. Thanks for a fantastic weekend looking forward to seeing everyone at the May Day for more fun and laughter. 
Love Karla Kevin n dogs xx
Ps thank you so very much Kathy for repairing my coat that Fat Luey decided to eat !!! I’m so grateful xx




Easter Rally 2024

Hollesley Bay


As it was Phil’s first stint as rally officer we decided to set off really early to get set up. Disaster hit, we hadn’t hitched up properly and the caravan came off the car, damaging the electric cable in the process! Four hour later we eventually set off. It was a very windy trip, especially over the Orwell Bridge, but we got there safely.

By the time we got to Hollesley Village Hall there were already quite a few vans there before us but hopefully we will be on time on the next rally. Thank you to Ian for standing in. That evening we went over to the hall to pay our dues and have a catch up. A few extra people turned up on Friday, there were 19 vans in total. Welcome to Helen and Phil who were attending their first rally, I hope you had a great time and look forward to seeing you again.

On Friday quite a few of us set off on the traditional Good Friday walk which was very enjoyable and blew the cobwebs away. When we got back we were treated to hot cross buns and hot drinks, just what the doctor ordered.

That evening we all went over to the hall for a very exciting race night. I think a few people left a bit richer than when they arrived and there was a lot of cheering on of horses and much laughter.

Saturday morning the children went over to the hall for easter nest making with Catherine and Becky.

Saturday evening we were treated to swing, jazz and soul with the amazing Jack “Jazzman” Clark. Lots of people got up and danced the night away and we all sang along with some of our favourite tunes.

Sunday started off at 11am with the children’s Easter Egg Hunt (the Easter Bunny kept peeping out from behind the curtain but we didn’t get to see all of him (her?), just the head. Then followed the Easter Bonnet competition with the most amazing bonnets I have ever seen and a selection of great bonnet names. Well done to the winners who were:

Under 5 year olds – Joanie

5-10 years – Harper

11 + years- Abi

Ladies – Becky

Men – John


At 7pm the children went over to the hall again, this time for party games which I heard were great fun. At 8pm we had a very enjoyable quiz which brought out the competitive side of quite a few of us, thankfully no punch ups! It was a close run thing but the winners were “The Young Ones and Kev”, congratulations. Thank you to Becky Pete for organising the quiz.

The Children’s decorated eggs were really artistic with the winners being:

Under 5 year olds– Joanie

5-10 years - Emily

11+ years Charlie

The weekend quiz was a picture with the challenge to name as many songs as you could find, Elaine and Chris found the most, well done to them. The raffle was won by Carla, the bonus ball by Becky and the arrival prize was mine! There was also an Easter Raffle with a lovely hamper, courtesy of Catherine and Becky, which was won by Richard.

Thank you to the organisers and everyone involved for a great weekend.

Maria & Phil


28th March/1st April 2024

Thursday... my god have we been looking forward to this weekend! We hope that everyone has had a good winter break and are ready for another fun filled caravan year. We didn’t arrive until later as we had a BIG VAN outside our house and couldn’t get our caravan off our drive, so we called all our son-in-laws to come and help give us a hand to move it.  James followed us in his van with 4 of the children and the Thurlows came in with us. Thank you to our new rally officer for coming out in the blistering wind to park us up and a massive thank you to Ian for getting our kebabs for dinner, it was much welcomed that I didn’t have to cook! 8.30pm everyone went over to the hall, it was lovely to see everyone, it’s been far to long! 10pm we made our way back to our caravan, the wind was very strong. It was a bit crazy getting the beds put up so Kev took the dogs out while me and Gracie got them ready for bed. We must apologise to Kathy and Barry if we were to noisy, blame Kevin for telling them scary stories!

Friday god the wind was bad through the night, I do hope everyone’s awnings have stayed up! The sun is shining, hopefully it stays dry while we go for our walk. Kev done the children’s breakfast while I got the caravan in a better shape. 11am everyone met around the 77 Club flag, thanks to the committee for arrange a very nice and flat walk. Back to the camp and over to the hall for a much enjoyed hot cross nun and drinks. The children’s weekend competition is decorating an egg so I took some decorating things over the hall so our grandchildren can get theirs done. Back to our caravan and the children went straight over to the park. There’s 2 new parks here and the children had great fun playing. I called them for lunch and then they went straight back over there. Thank god the weather has been good today! The fish n chip man came to set up and it will be open at 4pm, so another night I’m not cooking!!!! While I got the caravan sorted the children had another play over the park before I got them washed and changed and then over to the hall at 8pm for our traditional 77 Club horse racing. We saved our 20p’s for the betting. There were lots of shouting for our horses to win, a few got very excited!

Catherine and Becky made up a beautiful Easter Hamper which was £1 a ticket, and the lucky winner was Richard. Thanks to the committee for another great night, the children were so happy with there winnings! I had to do a little cheating and shared my winnings with Monty and Joanie as they were the only ones that didn’t win. Arnie and Joanie fell asleep so had to be carried back to our caravan and by 10.30pm we were all sound asleep .

Saturday ... it’s beautiful this morning and nice and sunny. The children went back over the park until 11am, then it was over to the hall for the children to make Easter nests cakes. Thank you so very much to Catherine, Becky and helpers, the children loved it. I cut some hair while that was going on and after that a few of us had a drive into Woodbridge. Thanks to Adrian and Janine for taking some of our children in their car. We had a coffee break before looking round the shops and a lovely walk around the harbour then went back to camp for a nice rest before I cooked a early dinner, as we are over the hall tonight at 7.30pm for live music by Jack “Jazzman “ Clarke. It wasn’t long before we were all up dancing, our children loved it. Once Jack had finished his singing, Barry got another amazing game out that he has designed, it was very hard but was great fun! We sat around to finish the evening listening to music. Thanks to Pete for helping Kev take the sleeping children back to our caravan .

Sunday .... well I didn’t see anything of Sunday as I’ve been sick through the night and during the day, so Kev done the children’s breakfast while I stayed in bed. 11am everyone went over to the hall for the Easter Bonnet parade and Easter Egg Hunt. I’m gutted I missed it but thanks to Adrian and Janine for taking lots of photos for me. I was going to cook a roast dinner but Kev ended up making the children pot noodles and hot dogs in rolls for dinner so they didn’t starve. Thanks to Gracie for helping him, you were a super star! Over to the hall at 7pm for the party games for the children and then Pete and Becky’s quiz. The children told me how they had another brilliant night and said how lucky they are having friends like you. Thanks to everyone that offered Kev some help, sorry I wasn’t there as I still felt rubbish but had a great sleep. Just hope I’m feeling better tomorrow! 

Monday .... I had a full night sleep, Kev done the children breakfast while I sorted out their clothes so at least they got dressed today as I hear they had a PJ day yesterday. Over to the hall for 11am for tea, coffee and prize giving. Well done to everyone that won best Easter Bonnet and decorating the best egg, more Easter eggs! Kev was happy to win the raffle, Maria won the Arrival Prize and Becky won the Bonus Ball. What a lovely start to 2024 caravanning, thank you to everyone for supporting the rally and we must welcome our new members Helen and Phil.  We hoped you enjoyed your first 77 Club rally and will continue to do so! This certainly is a great venue. We hope you all had a safe journey home and hopefully see you all at the next rally .

PS The Grandchildren asked me to say a BIG THANK YOU for all there Easter Eggs and for giving them a fantastic rally, and they will see you at the next rally (i’ve not told them me and poppa are having a weekend on our own lol!!!)

Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Monty Arnie Joanie Winnie Nelly Ronnie n Fat Luey


New Year's Eve Rally- Venture Centre 2000, Lawford

29th December - 1st January 2024


FRIDAY- We arrived on the Friday and not far behind us came mum and dad. A total of 6 units turned up on Friday. At 7:30 we decided to go over to the hall early and everyone had a catch up and paid their dues. At 10:30 I decided to take the children back to the caravan while Ian stayed with the others to finish off their drinks.

SATURDAY- After a very wet and windy night Saturday started off a bit brighter, however continued to rain on and off most of the day. Another 4 units turned up today making the total of units 10.  A chilled day was had playing games in the caravan and when we wasn’t raining the children were playing outside on their skateboards and scooters. It was lovely to see Natalie with her little baby bump! We all decided to get fish and chips for dinner, which was picked up by the men at 5 o’clock, while the ladies got the hall ready for us all to eat together. Once we had finished eating, it was time to clear up and wash up and get ready for the past caravanning year quiz, which was hosted by Becky and was all about The 77 Club caravanning year in 2023. Well done to our team, the “Jamie Dodgers” for winning! After the quiz Ian and Peter set up the projector so that we could watch the darts. Once this had finished I took the chicken back to the caravan again while Ian and a few others chatted and finished their drinks.

SUNDAY- We went over to the hall about 11ish to start preparing the room for our New Year’s Eve celebrations. Unfortunately mum suffered an injury where she fell off a ladder hurting her back, but that didn’t stop her from joining in. At 12 o’clock we went out for a meal to The Crown in Manningtree, it was lovely that so many of us all got together! The food was lovely and so was the company. Back to the hall we went to finish off the balloons and setting out the tables. Then it was all back to our caravans to get dressed up for the evening. At 7 we went back over to the hall for a disco which was kindly done by Peter, thank you very much Peter we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! We had lots of guests arrive for the evening and we partied the night away. I was surprised that all the children managed to stay awake and see in the new year! Once 1 o’clock came it was time to go back to our caravans, the mess could wait until the morning! Well done to Fred and Kerry for winning the weekend quiz!

MONDAY- it was lovely that so many people volunteered to help out tiding up the hall, it was done in no time. People then started to pack up and it was soon time to say our goodbyes. A very big thank you to everyone who came, we had such a lovely weekend and one that we will definitely be doing again in 2024!

Love Ian, Catherine, Lily and Harley xx


17th/19th November 2023

Friday ....we left later tonight as I had a Drs appointment. The journey started off great until we hit Ongar High Street, they had shut the road for Father Christmas and the Christmas lights switch on and to give out sweets to the children. As we pulled up Catherine came out to say where to park, Ian and some others had gone out to collect everyone’s dinner. We put the heating on and went straight over to the venue. Thank you so much for getting our dinner it was much appreciated! There’s not much to set up in the caravan so we went back over to hall. Catherine had brought a great game over, some of us played and apparently I won! At 10:30 we went back to our cozy caravan.


Saturday .... Kev got up early as he was taking Ronnie to a shoot. I had a lovely lay in and didn’t get up until 11.45, I couldn’t believe it! I’ve had a very lazy morning and enjoyed every moment. I finished my Indian for lunch, wrote out our Christmas cards and watched a bit of TV. Kev got back at 4pm, he had a fantastic day picking up with Ronnie. We started to get ready to go over to the hall for 6 pm. Once in the hall we were greeted by Prosecco, Baileys and orange juice. Everyone looked amazing, I do love our dinner and dance. I took everyone’s photos (see web) and I must say that Pete let the team down by forgetting his cuff links , so ended up using sellotape to keep his cuffs together!! Ian soon pulled back the curtains for us to be seated and WOW !!! the room looked beautiful. Well done to the committee for all your hard work. 7pm our food came out. I had a lovely prawn cocktail it had a little kick to it which was lovely (I’ll definitely be trying it on Christmas Day!). Ian’s soup looked amazing too. Kev done his usual and had seconds. The dinner was amazing nice and HOT, I had beef, some had turkey or nut roast, more roast potatoes and veg were brought out. I had Christmas Pudding and brandy sauce fir dessert, some had fresh fruit salad and some cheese n biscuits. After dinner Catherine and Becky came round selling raffle ticket, then Ian and Pete gave out the fishing trophy, which Kev won. Then the raffle started, there were lots of amazing prizes! Well done to Sue n Steve for winning the recliner chairs , we one 2 prizes some Scentsy wax’s and a lovely 77 club water bottle that I shall use on next years rallies. We soon danced the night away in true 77 club style, 12 o’clock came far too quickly and the night was over and we said our goodbyes to those that came just for the evening. Some of us sat around chatting before going back to our caravans, we finally got to bed at 2.30am, thankfully I slept well.


Sunday.... The wind got up but it’s nice and dry. Well done to those that helped tidy and hoover the venue. Members started to pack up and say their goodbyes. We would like to wish everyone a safe journey home , and we will be thinking of you all at Christmas and New Year, enjoy every moment making fantastic memories and here’s to spending 2024 with you all.
Love Kev n Karla xxxx
Ps we would like to wish every member new and old a HAPPY HEALTHY CHRISTMAS pray 2024 will bring you good health happiness and laughter keep safe xxx


3rd to 5th November

Chris arrived Friday morning to get set up as I had to wait for Aubree and Emelia to come out of 
School so followed up late afternoon in my car.
When I arrived there were 12 units on site and all had been decorated ready for rick of treat. At 
8.00pm the children and some adults had dressed up in their Halloween costumes and went around 
all the units. A lot of sweets were collected and eaten.
At 9.00 pm it was over to the gazebos to pay dues and collect weekend competition.
Saturday morning was very wet and raining heavily so the building of the bonfire was delayed until 
a little later when the rain had stopped. The children loved riding on the trailer.
At 2.00pm the children gathered outside Karla's caravan to make chocolate apples which were soon 
consumed and there were a few messy faces. Then it was over to the riffle range to have a shooting 
competition. Chris Gristwood won this for the men and Janine Marshall won for the ladies. Sorry 
can't remember who won the children's.
At 5.00pm it was the lighting of bonfire followed by a ghost walk in the woods. There was a lot of 
screaming coming from the woods. Once everyone was back to the bonfire it was time to light the 
first firework of the night. The children loved the loud bangs and pretty effects. We all had burgers
of sausages cooked by Karla and her son-in-law James.
The evening was finished off with a karaoke sing along which concluded at 10.30pm when 
everyone returned to their vans.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny and at 11.00am it was back over to the gazebos for the usual raffle
and competition results.
Kerry and Fred and Chris and I won the adults weekend quiz.
Catherine won the raffle and we won the arrival prize hence this report.
We would like to say a big thank you to Kevin and Karla and all their helpers for another fantastic 
bonfire and Halloween rally. We think personally that this is one of the best rallies of the year.
Hope to see many of you at the Dinner/Dance next weekend.
Chris and Elaine


Thursday ...we came this evening and had a great drive here, hardly any traffic. I think it’s because the weather has been so bad people haven’t wanted to adventure out. We were the only ones here tonight. We have Joanie with us and Ella will bring the rest of the children up tomorrow after school. We soon set up and Kev popped out to get us a Chinese. It’s so peaceful here and thankfully no rain. We do love snuggling up in our warm caravan before bed.

Friday... got up early as Joanie woke up needing a drink of water. After breakfast we went out for a lovely walk with the dogs in the woods. It’s a beautiful day and I’m praying that it stays this way. As we got back Neal n Tina turned up, then other members started to arrive. We have 12 caravans here in total. Sadly some members are poorly so can’t make the weekend, we wish you all well soon! Thanks to those that helped us put up the gazebos. It didn’t take long to get the gazebos dressed up for Halloween trick or treating. Ella then turned up with the other grandchildren, our peace is now shattered! Thankfully they had already eaten so no cooking for me! It wasn’t long and they were running around playing in the woods. Thanks to Catherine and Ian for bringing us our dinner in (spare ribs and chips) from the Harvester it was lovely. 8pm we started our Trick or Treating, well done to all the children for dressing up. The children were very spoilt with lots of sweets and chocolate, I know our grandchildren was buzzing at bed time. Also a big thank you to everyone for dressing up their caravans, it was very hard to choose a winner so I left that to the children (they chose Tina and Neal’s), the best dressed girl was Winnie and the best dressed boy was Monty. Kevin did frighten the children with his Chucky mask. It was back over to the ghosts castle for paying our fees and having a chat around the fire. 10pm I took our children back to the caravan to get ready for bed and for Poppa to tell them his usual dragon story, they were still buzzing at 11 pm.

Saturday ... it rained so hard through the night that I didn’t get much sleep. 7am Joanie woke up and all the rest followed soon after. It’s still raining. Kev took the dogs out for a walk, it’s manic in our caravan, why do we do this to ourselves (I guess we love it!). Once they all had breakfast we got dressed and they all went outside in the rain, got soaking wet, then came back in the caravan to get dry and more dry clothes. Kevin’s Landy wouldn’t start the past couple of days so he went out to buy a new battery for it. It’s still raining so we haven’t started the bonfire yet, the children are itching to get out there even though it’s still raining! The time was getting on so Kev got the children on the trailer and lots of us went to collect the wood. Thanks to everyone for helping. The children absolutely love building the bonfire. After lunch, I got everything ready for the children to do their chocolate apples, it really does make a mess but it’s great fun watching the children having fun. 2.30pm most members went over to the shooting range. Thanks to John and Joan for setting it up for us. Everyone had great fun. Dottie and Monty won the children’s shooting (thanks to their helpers), and Janine and Chris won the adults. 5pm we went down to the bonfire. Kev got the music started and the children went on their ghost hunt. Hearing their screams I gathered they had a scary time. 6pm Kev lit the bonfire with the 3 guys on top. Spencer and Pete won the best guy. Soon the sky was lit up by the very bright and loud fireworks. Thanks to Ian and Pete for setting them off for us, they were brilliant! While they were going off James (our son-in-law) and I started cooking the burgers and sausages. Thanks to Doreen and Diane for cutting the rolls! We then had giant marshmallows on the BBQ. Kev started the singing off, it was great seeing lots of members singing their hearts out. It’s been a great night, thank goodness the rain kept off. It was lovely seeing Richard, Mark and his partner come this evening. I took the children back to our caravan for bed and we could still hear the singing in full swing.

Sunday ... it was dry this morning. The children had their breakfast and went straight out to play. Kev tried to start his Landry and the alarm wouldn’t stop, it was going on and off for ages. 11am everyone went down to the gazebos for coffee n prizes. Ian said his things and Dave is acting Rally Officer. Well done to Elaine n Chris, Fred n Kerry for joint winning the Adult quiz. After that had finished, Kev popped out to sort the battery (again!). Thanks to everyone for taking down the gazebos! Once Kev got back, I got the children in my car and headed off home as I’ve got a hospital memorial service this afternoon. It’s been another fantastic rally, thanks to everyone that came. We are looking forward to our Dinner and Dance in two weeks! Driving home the children were full of excitement, I asked them their best bits and Arnie said the shooting, Joanie said trick or treating, Monty said I loved everything it was all my best, Gracie said every 77 club rally is the best and Dottie feel asleep!!!!

Love Kev Karla Gracie Dottie Monty , Arnie Joanie Winnie Nellie xx

Sadly Peter had a bad accident on his way home and his car and caravan has been written off but thank goodness he came out with only bad bruising. Wishing you well Peter xx


20th/22nd 2023

Friday .... we had a good journey here and we soon set up. 9 caravans this weekend for our annual AGM. Kev popped out to get us dinner, then at 8.30pm we went over to the hall for a catch up with friends. I didn’t stay over there long and went back to our lovely warm caravan. I was asleep by the time Kev came back.

Saturday ... Kev got up early as he was going on a shoot with Ronnie, I didn’t wake up until 10.20am. I took the boys out for a long walk to blow away the cobwebs then it started to rain again so I hurried back. It was lovely looking out the window and seeing the rain fall. At 2.30pm everyone went over the hall, it was nice to see those that come for the AGM. Chris told everyone how Clive was doing, we all wish him well soon. The club brought him a hamper as a get well gift and for all his hard work whilst being in the committee. Richard was very brave and came for the AGM with Steve n Sue. The meeting went well and we got a few things sorted. We welcome Phil as our new Rally Officer and Barry is going to be our new Sport Officer, although it was voted on that his title will now be Sports and Games Officer as he has made some amazing games. Well done to Becky for having found out the answers to a few questions. Ian asked us to raise our glasses to our members that have passed away this year, we send our love and condolences to there families. Kev turned up just as the AGM had finished, He was taking me out to dinner so I didn’t have to cook. A few of our members ended up at the same pub, the food was excellent! I had fish pie and Kev had steak pie. Then it was back to the hall for a Ladies vs Men darts competition. Lots of laughs was had by all. I then went back to our warm caravan.

Sunday...Kev was up early taking the dogs out, I had another lazy morning. It’s so lovely laying in bed hearing the children laughing. Harley won the decorate the pumpkin competition and even wrote his own name. No one hung around as it came over dark. Hope you all had a safe journey home and hopefully we will see some of you at the bonfire rally for lots of fun! Don’t forget the children will be knocking on your caravan trick or treating you and it would be great if you could make a guy. Looking forward to entertaining you all.

Just to let those that don’t already know, our Mags passed away on Friday after a short illness, she absolutely love caravanning. Thank you for making her so welcome x

Love Karla Kevin and Mr Bourne Ronnie Fat Loui


Friday - We arrived approx 12.30 in the rain but luckily no wind, to find 4 other units already there.

Shortly after pitching and setting up the rain stopped and it became brighter with some sunshine.

During the afternoon 4 other units arrived making 9 units in total. The evening came all too quick so over to the hall we went to meet everyone and pay our weekend fees.

Saturday.- Unfortunately it was wet again for most of the morning, so a lazy morning was had by us. A few members went out for lunch, while the committee gathered in the hall for a meeting prior to the start of the AGM. Only 13 other non rally members turned up for the meeting!!! (Shame more people couldn't make it)!

Thank you to all the committee members for a great job over the year. Unfortunately Clive had to resign from Rally Officer due to his leg and foot accident. Sorry Clive its taking a long time to heal but know you are making progress and hope you will be able to join us rallying next year. Our new Rally Officer for the coming year is Phil Wright. Barry Barker was nominated for Sports Officer, renamed as Spots and Games Officer as Sarry is the master of making great games. Thank you Phil and Barry, and all other committee members, we all wish you a successful year rallying.

At the close of the meeting we had the usual toast to the 77 Club plus a toast in remembrance to our friends that have passed away this year. Eileen and Jim Hurley, Edna Eusden and Kathy Crossman. RIP You will all definitely be missed and remembered.

Meetings make us hungry so off we went for a meal to a nearby pub, The Rose and Crown, only a few miles away. 2 tables of 8 and 2 tables of 4. (Pre booked of course) Think we would all recommend this pub as the food was delicious and we received good friendly service too. Later we gathered back in the hall for a game of darts and a nice relaxing get together.

Sunday - We woke to gorgeous sunshine just peering over the trees. It felt quite cold but the vans soon warmed up with the sun-shining on them. Unfortunately Tina and Neil had to shoot home first thing in the morning, so hope all is well now. 11 am came it was time for coffee morning in the hall, and the usual prise giving etc, well you know now who won the arrival prize! Tina won the bonus ball, well done. Diane won the raffle well done to you too! Kevin and Karla won the weekend quiz, great job, it was too hard for us! Lol! The children's competition was to decorate a large picture of an orange pumpkin, and Harley did a good job so he won. Great work Harley, and the other children too. I expect to see them displayed in your caravan windows at Firework/ Halloween weekend. Thank you Adrian and Janine for organising the weekend competitions.

I trust and hope everyone arrived home safely, and hope to see as many as possible at the Fireworks/Halloween rally and Dinner/Dance.

Take good care, keep safe Doreen and Ron XX



Newbourne 77 Club Rally Report

5th – 8th October 2023


Hi everyone!!! As we slip into Autumn we were treated to a weekend that felt more like Summer in June than October!!!

After successfully negotiating the single track roads into Newbourne we arrived at the Village Hall to find Phil and Maria parked up at the bottom of the field. We duly drove down to ”Mole City’’ where with a lot of ramps, bricks and blocks we managed to level the van. We had arrived - time for a beer. Later in the evening Kath and Barry arrived under cover of darkness making three of us for the night.

On Friday Phil and I went fishing off Felixstowe beach and caught a few small Pouting which would barely fill a sardine tin. Lunch followed with the Girls at The Alex on Felixstowe sea front which was very nice. On our return to Newbourne six more units had arrived making nine in total. In the evening we gathered in the Hall to pay our dues, socialize and get stuck into the weekend quiz organized by Becky which involved identifying band names from pictorial clues. Nice one Becky, it got the old grey matter working for some better than others. Well done to Fred and Kerry who ultimately ran out as worthy winners.

On Saturday I jumped ship to go and watch my team Ipswich Town win again!! For the non-believers there was a free day to do your own thing and enjoy the continuing good weather. In the evening we got together in the hall to socialize and Becky came up trumps again with a Higher or Lower game which was good fun.

On Sunday we had coffee morning as usual with prize giving which ultimately saw chocolate chip cookies finding their way to me in exchange for this Rally Report. Fair trade I think!!!!

Great to see everybody and looking forward to seeing you all again soon.


Steve Aylott


Roding Hall Tea Rooms

22nd - 24th September


We arrived at the wonderful Tea Rooms Rally on Friday evening and arrived in pure brilliant sunshine, what a welcomed change after all the rain we had a couple of days previously

The entrance to the rally field now has a combination lock on an automatically operated gate which looked rather new and was a welcomed added security to the rally field.


Jannine and Adrian were slightly in front of us and very kindly opened the gate to allow us access which was really helpful as we didn't know the combination for the lock Ha Ha ha. Thank you both.


We parked up next to Kev and Karla right close to the paddock where there were 2 massive horses grazing all day. With big horses come the inevitable... and believe me they were big horses !!! couple this with the brilliant sunshine and the fact that the horses had been eating the luscious grass all day, I think every fly and bluebottle in Ongar was attracted to the ... Fertilizer. Ah well, that's the countryside for you.

Kdev and Karls have a new Car a lovely black Volvo similar to Catherine and Ian's, it's lovely, well done you two.


Off to the Hall, which was down the road from the Tea Rooms to pay our dues after a swift half in the local public house of course, followed by several more beers and glasses of vin blanc sec back at Chateau Mascall.

thank you Bob and Deb for hosting another lovely evening.


Saturday morning was beautiful, the weather was superb, and again there was brilliant sunshine. Bob kindly offered to cook the Bacon rolls, horrrrrray, a great start to the day.  As I contemplated a cooked bacon roll and braced myself for the inevitable invasion of those pesky flies, to my surprise, the Horse handlers arrived and cleaned up the entire horse field. Barrow after barrow, they cleaned, scraped and raked through the fertilizer until there was no more, a fantastic job. horrrray.

Lunchtime came, and we headed for Shopping to Bishops Stortford, and that done, we headed back to the ranch for afternoon sippers outside the vans before dinner.


Washing up done it was time for fun and frolics at the Hall again, which was hosted by Barry and Cathy, I must say a brilliant night, so entertaining, those who were not there missed a really brilliant evening, next time you are out find out what you missed, a brilliant night where male and female battled against each other where the male population of the evening allowed the female congregation to win the events of the evening, well-done girls and well deserved...

Thank you so much Barry and Cathy for an excellent evening, fantastic as always.


Sunday was a little windy, but it was bright as we enjoyed the Coffee morning. results of the weekend quiz were given out thank you, Peter and well done to Becky and Pete who managed to win the Grand Prize. Oh, and Cathy won the Bonus Ball well done Cathy. I will give you one guess as to who won the Raffle, and they even managed to pick out their own ticket........ Have you guessed yet................ You are correct "PETER" again. LOL

well done Peter..


All completed, and after saying our goodbyes we packed up and headed for Colchester. This was a wonderful weekend, well organised and great fun with great company. Thank you to everyone who attended and thank you so much for making it a wonderful weekend


See you all in a Pair of Weeks



Joe and Julie Hamilton

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